The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for December 31, 2011
Granddad: So go 'head and vote for Bush if you wanna see sick, nasty pictures of nekkid men tied together and all rubbin' up on each other 'cause I guess he's into that kinka thing... Thank you. "Remember...a vote for George Bush is a vote for photos of butt-nekkid men on my television. ...and that's nasty if you ask me."
pbarnrob almost 13 years ago
Nortley almost 13 years ago
PShaw0423 almost 13 years ago
(1) These strips were drawn seven years ago, so your complaining about it now is beating a dead horse.(2) If you don’t find this particular strip funny, maybe you’re not supposed to. There’s “ha ha” funny, and there’s “grimace” funny. See Night-Gaunt49‘s reply.(2) If you don’t find this strip funny in general, you’re probably not the target audience, and it’s best if you read something else. Go your way in peace.
pbarnrob almost 13 years ago
Not sure what your point is here; I’m agreeing emphatically with Grandpa. What ‘our military’ (the ‘professional’ no-draftees military) has been and is doing, both in Iraq and Afghanistan, and ahem a few other indisclosed places, is no different that what its predecessors did in, and to, Vietnam (and Cambodia and Laos and bits of Thailand) in my time there. Kids with no clues, turned loose in an insane killing zone. “We had to destroy the ’ville to save it.” Yeah. Sure.
boogiewoogie almost 13 years ago
i dont wanna look at pics of naked men but i dont think george bush promoted that