The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for February 29, 2012
Huey: The problems of the black underclass are neither completely the fault of the white man nor the black community itself. These issues are complicated! For example...if a man can't find a job because the government let's corporations move all the jobs overseas, that's the white man's fault! Granddad: Right! But if that same man sells crack because he can't find a job, that's his fault. Huey: Well, his and the Reagan administration's, I guess...
aschwar9 almost 13 years ago
Reagan – the one who put into law the most costly war ever. Like prohibition, one that can not be won.
boogiewoogie almost 13 years ago
there are african american senators and congressmen so they have a say whether american companies move overseas or not in the end though the governments hands are tied because a company cannot b dictated to by a government as to what it does apart from illegal activities
jolizamonet almost 13 years ago
dudes its a comic and a great show. stop overanalyzing