The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for September 28, 2012
TV: The president continued to argue today that the situation in Iraq is being grossly misrepresented by the news media. He had this to say... "Oh sure, they tell you how many soldiers die, but they ignore the positive, like the many soldiers who are only maimed or wounded! And believe me, it's a lot!!" "Okay, wait... that didn't come out right. Do-over! We can just edit this, right?"
okie5 over 12 years ago
There was way too much hate in this strip!
William Bednar Premium Member over 12 years ago
That’s ok. It’s been fasionable to hate for some years now.
peachyanddanny over 12 years ago
One major league lie and the PNSC behind it and the credit card invasion is Obama’s fault, so yeah, that’s hatred. Hate is a verb. And that was Shrub’s nonsense and blaming the cost on the Kenyan Usurper is neocon nonsense like candy and flowers and paying for the adventure with Iraqi oil money. You do remember those giddy neocon statements>
Nighthawks Premium Member over 12 years ago
ah, the ‘do over’ is alive and well today.except now we call it ‘shaking the etch-a-sketch’
peachyanddanny over 12 years ago
And Willard wants to double down on Shrub. Really bad idea all around.
Drewdove over 12 years ago
According to the time stamp this is from 2/25/2003 but we didn’t invade till the next month. We went in with the UK and hostilities ended after two months. Way too much hate here, and for those who say Willard and shrub you can
8===D O-:
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I <3 emoticons.
PShaw0423 over 12 years ago
You’re right. But it’s perfectly possible to tell the absolute truth maliciously, with no intention other than to hurt. Truth is a relative good, not an absolute one — without prudence and compassion it’s a weapon.