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Good morning Tribe!
For breakfast this morning, we have:
Bagels and cream cheese (both savory and strawberry)
Waffles with real Quebec maple syrup and/or strawberries and whipped cream
Poached eggs with homemade bread, toasted and served with homemade strawberry or blackberry jam
Canadian bacon or ham
A medley of fresh fruit and berries with vanilla yoghurt
Of course, Marg has her earl grey tea (I hope that was it) and there are grits for Akenta. I may be able to rustle up some pizza with and without extra anchovies and DocT, will supply coffee - or perhaps Rakkav has some CocaMocha. The Johnny Walker is on the fireplace mantle. Please excuse any spelling errors.
You are both very welcome. Dry, the blackberry jam is from the bushes down the street - I made freezer jam last fall and still have a few containers left.
JFri that really sounds idyllic! We’ve had that weather for several days now but I’m afraid it is about to end. Rain is on its way.
Just stopped in to turn off the ‘puter and noticed you were back, Marg. Glad to see you - i caught your reference to the miracle of modern meds. on another site. Have to agree - they do make life much more pleasant. Welcome back - you were missed. Now, after my Shika ploy, I am off!
Au revoir!
Good Morning Tribe
Good to see you are feeling better, Marg!
Fell asleep early last night and now I can’t sleep. Go figure.
Nice breakfast Dawn. I’ll have some Canadian Bacon & Fresh fruit. I’ve got Doc’s nuclear coffee here.
Good morning and Happy Tuesday. Dawn thank you for the grits. I like the silent but deadly. Maybe if I should put a sign up like that at my desk at work.
DAWN Looks wonderful except here below Canada it is NATIONAL PANCAKE DAY. I will concede to Quebec (do say Quebec the same in French?) maple syrup and Canadian bacon.
i am running late out the door i go after i brush my teeth, find socks and shoes and put them on, and find my book i need. sigh to tired dont make me go
Dawn to answer your question from last night, yes I did get a chance to meet James Clavell, but only once. He and his family had a house in Horsehoe Bay. My cousin went to school with his two daughters and became such good friends with them that they would take her to Scotland with them when they went to their house there. My cousin is stlll good friends with the daughters, in fact the youngest daughter introduced my cousin to the man that would become my cousin’s husband.
We might be getting snow tonight - again. This is the worst winter I’ve seen in the Houston area so far. Dallas certainly is having it bad. They’rer getting more of the white stuff now.
Akenta loved that link! I like Mr. Bo Nanas! And that was very appropriate. Once winter’s over we need to have another one of those, what say you Carmy and Akenta?
Doc T Thank you! I think I shall have to mix up my list again to avoid this type of thing in the future!
Grog I have visited people in Happydale type places. My recommendation: if you are moving in or taking a vacation, make sure they do not have rugs! The smell is always not pleasant with rugs.
I agree: As I said yesterday, mimes give me the heebie jeebies. I’m just glad they are still off-screen.
Tabby, we are glad you went to school. If nothing else, it’s good training for when you get a job, and if you don’t show up, they don’t pay you. If you don’t show up often enough, they fire you–which is even worse a bummer than having to go to work when you don’t want to.
Grog - They are not to be recommended. I would also not suggest going to the ward for the violent offenders, the other accommodations are much nicer & safer ( :
I’ve watched that movie several times. When he asks if they could convince Teddy to be Napolean, I imagined a ward with people running around yelling Chaaaaarge! and getting into fights over who was the real T. Roosevelt.
Doctor Toon
As I am the king of typos, I should probably make my comments in Word first - then paste them into the comment form after spell-checking. But I never do that. I rely on my eyes to catch the flubs, which doesn’t always work out well - but I have caught some on this very post.
Doc T - do not tell them the joke about the guy who walks into a ………….. house with $5. It is kind of fun being an Influence on kids and young adults ( :
Krewd was fun (unfortunately most of his comments were deleted before I got to them). And I can tell that wildcheetah’s daughters are yours in your heart.
Accodrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a tatol mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
(Don’t worry about it too much.)
Very funny, LuvH8 and I could understand everything you said. Never-the-less, I would still prefer not to add any more fuel to JAD’s (or anyone else’s nitpicky) fire. His comments are long enough as it is with him calling you out for your spelling errors. There are times, though when I mispell words intentionally.
Just got back from moving boxes and watervaccing the basement floor. Our hot water tank decided that it had lived long enough and went out with a splash.
In the south, it appears that most homes (from what I’ve seen and heard) the hot water tanks are in the attic. I can’t imagine what a mess that’ll make.
I’ve assisted my hubby on replacing a few water heaters. The hardest part is wrestling them around. Of course, making sure that the soldering doesn’t have any leaks is rather tricky, but doable.
Doc - I think there is definitely some characteristic that either one is born with or not. Both my husband & I are very comfortable with tools. Our oldest is comfortable with tools, although other than computers, he doesn’t care to do anything resembling work. Our youngest barely knows the difference between a Phillips and a flathead screwdriver. Seeing as our house was built by us, with them present majority of the time, it isn’t like they didn’t have exposure to tools.
Well, since skills and gifts were discussed after I left:
I too am a natural proofreader. It helps to have a touch–or more–of OCD.
I am not particularly skilled at home maintenance or other things mechanical–hence entering the monastery to avoid many of those picayune problems. Oddly, when I got here, I was assigned to run a press (three, actually) because–I was more mechanical than most of the monks. Go figure.
But I have one brother (and a sister) in IT–system analysists–one with a masters in Electrical Engineering, and a couple other sisters in engineering of various kinds–Industrial and Civil. (I always say, at least one of them is civil!) And a dad who grew up on a farm, and so was not allowed to take High School Shop class–in the 40s, you didn’t get easy grades like that–and who, in the course of 30 or so years completely rewired, replumbed, and rebuilt the interior walls of our family home. Including a switch from coal-fed gravity air heating to gas hot-water heat. Hence, I sometimes claim to have a degree as a Spiritual Engineer…
Just got back from turning off the water to the house. I went down to see if the water heater had leaked anymore water and discovered that it is a pipe in the wall. On one wall the paint has turned into a big balloon holding in water.
Back in “the day”, lots of songs were misinterpreted with drug or sexual overtones. 25 or -6 to 4 was one that comes to mind for some reason. Others maybe had more cause: Puff, the Magic Dragon (marijuana) or Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (LSD)…
That would be just to easy wouldn’t it Grog. I have a friend that is a very skilled contractor and he happens to unemployed right now. He said he will do the external repairs for me, so at least part of the money will go to a friend.
dry i have been working on this for over a week. i cant get it anything out of it. he told me to redo the last one i turn in bc he didnt like it. Dry i cant get this!! im losing my mind.
@Dry, but at least the texts of Puff and Lucy are more fantastic, more apt to be drug-related. 25 or 6 to 4 is just about being awake at 3:35 a.m. and writing a song ‘cause you can’t get back to sleep.
Dry, I don’t know what to say. I actually thought it would be easier - not that I have a name like JAD and insist that you spell the whole thing out correctly.
How about the G-man? No that would make it sound like I work for the Government…don’t want to do that.
i just need to find some sites and i cant find any. need to find info on how the lyrics were missinterpeted OR on how punk rock makes teens violent. i cant find either. :0( and one of my sources has to be a journal. what the frenchtoast?!
Try using **Violence and Punk Rock in your search. I did, but I don’t know if the search has anything usable for you but it does appear to be connecting the 2.
cleo the only plumber that gets called out to my house is me. :0( we found out the hard way that baby wipes are NOT flushable. lol they should have that on the pakage it comes in. kids! but i love her
Hi, Lonewolf I recently bought that BC compilation, “Growing Wtih BC”. All of the early strips made me laugh harder than most anything Mason’s done, but the ones with Grog were especially good.
Tabby Lynn There is a site named Songfacts if you go there you can search for a specific title or if you haven’t chosen the song you are going to use:
1)( - smiling fish on page 2)select browse categories from menu on left 3)when that comes up select miscellaneous from category types 4) select **Songs that Are Commonly Misinterpreted - a list of songs will appear - this could be a good starting point or more info
I’ve found that DirecTV or their appointed representatives are probably the worst when it comes to that. As for the rest of the industry, there are a few that actually showed up at the beginning of that window and flooring me. That’s why you have to take that window seriously and be there during that window. I’ll even leave work a little earlier, in case they might show up earlier.
Lonewolf - The high stress thing I had scheduled for today is now supposed to take place in May. My neck is slowly unknotting, I slept a whole six hours in a seven hour period of time. — Much Better!
That site is really good for finding lyrics and weird facts about songs.
Grog Off hand I actually am not great at classifying songs by type I’ve just listened to Rob Zombie’s ‘Living Dead Girl’, now I am listening to ‘Mad World’ by Tears For Fears. I listen to different types of rock music from the 1940’s to the present. But not too much rap or punk (some of the earlier stuff).
Which Genesis song? I like Genesis & Phil Collins.
Okay, you guys distracted me! I have to go now unless I want to be stuck in traffic for twice as long as it usually takes to run errands. Will be back later (Sigh) I haven’t even finished 1 toon run.
Lot’s of Luv, stay out of trouble.
Lonewolf - I hope some of Rmom’s and my suggestions might be helpful.
Grog - try punk rock misinterpreted under general search on that page, I got some results but don’t have time now to look further. Maybe you can help Tabby more.
Lonewolf I’ll try, if I am awake in the middle of the night maybe I will yell or something here.
I’m going to take a break from the computer and watch a movie I have in my tape collection.
I’m not sure I’ll be back, though. I think I’m coming down with a bug. My throat is getting more sore by the minute. I may even be asleep before the movie’s over, because I just took some nyquil.
Good evening, Tribe!
I found this in the Wichita paper today - I think this explains why I’m so tired of winter this year - more so than normal!
“For the first time in its history, Wichita is about to go through a winter where the temperature never touched 60.
That’s never happened, according to National Weather Service temperature records dating back to 1888. The agency’s ‘meteorological winter’ stretches from Dec. 1 to Feb. 28, and the thermometer has reached 60 at least once during that period for the past 122 years. But not this year.”
“But most Wichita winters include warm spells that offer residents an interlude from the cold. It’s what makes the season more tolerable, longtime residents will tell you.”
Good job, Tabby! My son had to write a research paper this week. Of course he waited until today to start on it, and it is due tomorrow. I don’t know how good of a job he did on it, but he says it is all typed up, and just has to format it.
Tabby - If you’re saying my son is good, I’ll withhold judgment until I see what grade he gets on the paper. He took English Comp last semester, and I can tell that helped. Before, he would whine and ask me for help. Now, I only had to give him one suggestion, and tell him if a source he found was a decent source to use.
Terry, if there was just one leak I am, it was a lot less expensive then I was expecting. I am going to wait a couple days before having the drywall fixed, just in case. I tell you the projects this year are non-stop.
Rmom, yes, but it is a closet wall, with a chest freezer that is in front of the hole, but we will repair it as well as the many small holes in the basement, which hadn’t just been painted. One sheet of drywall will handle the patches.
Rmom we have some leftover, fortunately it is not the same color as the room, because we used it up, but it is a Sherwin Williams paint swatch so we could get more if needed.
Carmy, she is still talking to him and it could be that he is having issues with living with her girlfriends dad. But he is very resourceful. One thing that I can say with certainty, is my wife raised two independent children. They can handle any situation that I have seen them put into. I just wish that I could.
Carmy,yes i do. :0( i have that essay that is due at 10am tomorrow i turned it in already. I have a test at 1 that i have not even looked at bc i have no clue what to look at for it. and i have codi and math at 6. fun fun fun.
i did find out that my mother will be calling me at 5 or 6 am so im thinking of turning off my phone :0)
i should its only 79 questions and im off from 11-1 bug and myself can work on it together we have the same class same time. we can get a burger and do our study guide all at once. im to tired to even get up and get the book to look up the answers right now, or to go print out the study quide.
i am thinking of going to bed very shortly. im catching up on things i have missed. like my other comics
i just got text on my phone yesterday and a friend texted me i had no clue what my phone was doing. lol
having trouble making up my mind on what time to set my alarm for. i need to go see about buying a new phone tomorrow, before classes or after it would be easer to go b4.
DawnAvril about 15 years ago
Good morning Tribe! For breakfast this morning, we have: Bagels and cream cheese (both savory and strawberry) Waffles with real Quebec maple syrup and/or strawberries and whipped cream Poached eggs with homemade bread, toasted and served with homemade strawberry or blackberry jam Canadian bacon or ham Or A medley of fresh fruit and berries with vanilla yoghurt
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
Dawn, what a surprise!! I left you an answer at the end of yesterday’s posts. MMMMMMM, WAFFLES!! Thanks!
DawnAvril about 15 years ago
Of course, Marg has her earl grey tea (I hope that was it) and there are grits for Akenta. I may be able to rustle up some pizza with and without extra anchovies and DocT, will supply coffee - or perhaps Rakkav has some CocaMocha. The Johnny Walker is on the fireplace mantle. Please excuse any spelling errors.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
WOW Dawn has breakfast! Thank you mam! I’ll have the poached eggs with homemade bread, blackberry jam and fresh fruit!
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
And now I shall take my plate to bed and say goodnight all!
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
You still up??
DawnAvril about 15 years ago
You are both very welcome. Dry, the blackberry jam is from the bushes down the street - I made freezer jam last fall and still have a few containers left. JFri that really sounds idyllic! We’ve had that weather for several days now but I’m afraid it is about to end. Rain is on its way.
DawnAvril about 15 years ago
G’night, Dry et al. I am off to my bed now too. Sleep well, friends. P & L
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
Dawn, it truly was gorgeous! I think we are supposed to get the rain again tomorrow night but the weekend is looking nice. We’ll see if that holds.
carmy about 15 years ago
Good Morning Dawn, JFri and Dry! Thanks for breakfast, Dawn! Goodnight Dry and Dawn! I’m going on a really quick toon tour……………………
margueritem about 15 years ago
Dawn, that looks scrumptious! I’ll have the poached eggs, too, and some Earl Grey tea, please!
It’s nice to be back, my friends.
margueritem about 15 years ago
A day without a “hi!” from Jfri is like a day without sunshine.
margueritem about 15 years ago
‘Morning Dawn, Dry, and Carmy!
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
It is great to have you back, Marg!!! Awwww you’re gonna make me blush!!
DawnAvril about 15 years ago
Just stopped in to turn off the ‘puter and noticed you were back, Marg. Glad to see you - i caught your reference to the miracle of modern meds. on another site. Have to agree - they do make life much more pleasant. Welcome back - you were missed. Now, after my Shika ploy, I am off! Au revoir!
carmy about 15 years ago
’Morning Marg! Missed you! I’m off to dreamland. Goodnight JFri and Marg!
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
“‘Tish, you KNOW I love it when you speak FRENCH!!” “Later, Bubala!!”
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
Gomez Addams made me do that!!
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
Night, Carmy!!!
margueritem about 15 years ago
Night JFRI and Carmy! Sleep well. I’m off to bed myself, and am looking forward to a decent night’s sleep.
DEGENERATE about 15 years ago
AAAIIIEEE!!!!!!! A bear! A big bear and he might eat me.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Morning Tribe Good to see you are feeling better, Marg! ~~~~~~~ Fell asleep early last night and now I can’t sleep. Go figure. ~~~~~~~ Nice breakfast Dawn. I’ll have some Canadian Bacon & Fresh fruit. I’ve got Doc’s nuclear coffee here.
Good Morning Akenta–Have a great day, today.
Akenta about 15 years ago
Good morning and Happy Tuesday. Dawn thank you for the grits. I like the silent but deadly. Maybe if I should put a sign up like that at my desk at work.
Akenta about 15 years ago
Hmm, still got our machetes for the next water balloon fight?
lewisbower about 15 years ago
DAWN Looks wonderful except here below Canada it is NATIONAL PANCAKE DAY. I will concede to Quebec (do say Quebec the same in French?) maple syrup and Canadian bacon.
Morning TRIBE. Keep your tie out of the syrup.
MisngNOLA about 15 years ago
Good morning ladies and gentlemen. May I have the poached eggs, with Canadian style bacon and strawberry jam for my toast. Many thanks.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Morning MisngNOLA & Lewreader
carmy about 15 years ago
Good Morning! Akenta, yes, we still have our machetes! Lewreader, I heard that IHOP is serving free pancakes until 10pm (eastern).
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Good Morning Tribe Hello MisngNOLA, Lonewolf & Carmy
carmy about 15 years ago
Good Morning, Grog!
pearlandpeach about 15 years ago
Ginger Meggs is a must read today….
truly, go read.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Yes it is, Pearlandpeach!
Good Morning Grog!
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Hello Doc!!
It’s so good to see you when you can get here!!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
tabby does not want to go to school today. :0(
i am running late out the door i go after i brush my teeth, find socks and shoes and put them on, and find my book i need. sigh to tired dont make me go
carmy about 15 years ago
’Morning Doc! Sorry, Tabby, you gots to go to school!
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Good morning, Tabby & Doctor Toon
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Grog, I missed you last night. I fell asleep early while watching the Olympics. I must have been over tired! LOL
Digital Frog about 15 years ago
Morning All.
“…If you shoot a mime, should you use a silencer?….”
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Morning DFrog–You could fire blanks?!….
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Good Morning All.
Dawn to answer your question from last night, yes I did get a chance to meet James Clavell, but only once. He and his family had a house in Horsehoe Bay. My cousin went to school with his two daughters and became such good friends with them that they would take her to Scotland with them when they went to their house there. My cousin is stlll good friends with the daughters, in fact the youngest daughter introduced my cousin to the man that would become my cousin’s husband.
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
We might be getting snow tonight - again. This is the worst winter I’ve seen in the Houston area so far. Dallas certainly is having it bad. They’rer getting more of the white stuff now.
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Good morning, Cleo & D-Frog
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Hello Doc & Grog.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Hi Cleo.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Akenta loved that link! I like Mr. Bo Nanas! And that was very appropriate. Once winter’s over we need to have another one of those, what say you Carmy and Akenta?
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Have a good day at school, Tabby! And yes, you have to go!
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Hello Terry.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Mimes really take to heart the expression “To be seen, but not heard.”
Ooops! Premium Member about 15 years ago
Good Morning Everyone!
Doc T I’m behind you again! I think I better skip ahead as you seem to be an influence on me.
Lonewolf I hope you are feeling better after your sleep.
Grog the Chaaaaarge! is one of my favorite things in that movie!
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Good morning, Dry.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hi Doc, Hi Grog!
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Hi LuvH8 & Grog
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Good Morning, LuvH8
Mine too. It was my first thought when you mentioned Arcenic And Old Lace. Do you think we’ll ever end up in Happydale?
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
I need to head out to get some things done this morning. Be back later this afternoon. P&L All
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Lonewolf You can all call me Grog. I’ll keep the AKA part for about a month or less, then drop it altogether.
Ooops! Premium Member about 15 years ago
Doc T Thank you! I think I shall have to mix up my list again to avoid this type of thing in the future!
Grog I have visited people in Happydale type places. My recommendation: if you are moving in or taking a vacation, make sure they do not have rugs! The smell is always not pleasant with rugs.
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
LuvH8 If I had my way, I’d avoid those places altogether…but you never know
bmonk about 15 years ago
I agree: As I said yesterday, mimes give me the heebie jeebies. I’m just glad they are still off-screen.
Tabby, we are glad you went to school. If nothing else, it’s good training for when you get a job, and if you don’t show up, they don’t pay you. If you don’t show up often enough, they fire you–which is even worse a bummer than having to go to work when you don’t want to.
Doesn’t being good sometimes make you feel lousy?
But you feel lots better in the long run.
Ooops! Premium Member about 15 years ago
Grog - They are not to be recommended. I would also not suggest going to the ward for the violent offenders, the other accommodations are much nicer & safer ( :
I’ve watched that movie several times. When he asks if they could convince Teddy to be Napolean, I imagined a ward with people running around yelling Chaaaaarge! and getting into fights over who was the real T. Roosevelt.
Ooops! Premium Member about 15 years ago
Doc T I seem to have managed to sneak past you. Hope I am not too much of an Influence on you!
Ooops! Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hello Bunnyface!
Maybe if we made the clowns & mimes wash their faces? It might help some.
Add: That ship on Birdbrains, I really did have to cover it whenever I went to that page.
bmonk about 15 years ago
Reminds me of a sick, old joke:
If a tree falls in the wood, and kills a mime, does anybody care?
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Good Morning, bunnyface I know I wouldn’t care. Snort!
Doctor Toon, no commenting under the influence or talking on the cell phone or texting while commenting. It just promotes typos.
Ooops! Premium Member about 15 years ago
Bunnyface of course people care. The smell is quite atrocious!!!
Lonewolf Have a good day!
Doc T - How many children do you have? (Including wildcheetah’s of course)?
Gotta Go! Things to do! Luv to all! Have a Great Day!
(Grog - Typos are dangerous things, good advice.)
Saucy1121 Premium Member about 15 years ago
Good morning, tribe.
Thanks for breakfast, Dawn. Nice spread.
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Doctor Toon As I am the king of typos, I should probably make my comments in Word first - then paste them into the comment form after spell-checking. But I never do that. I rely on my eyes to catch the flubs, which doesn’t always work out well - but I have caught some on this very post.
Ooops! Premium Member about 15 years ago
Shika move!
Doc T - do not tell them the joke about the guy who walks into a ………….. house with $5. It is kind of fun being an Influence on kids and young adults ( : Krewd was fun (unfortunately most of his comments were deleted before I got to them). And I can tell that wildcheetah’s daughters are yours in your heart.
Grog Accodrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a tatol mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. (Don’t worry about it too much.)
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hi bunny! To answer that question “Does anybody care?” I know I don’t!
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Very funny, LuvH8 and I could understand everything you said. Never-the-less, I would still prefer not to add any more fuel to JAD’s (or anyone else’s nitpicky) fire. His comments are long enough as it is with him calling you out for your spelling errors. There are times, though when I mispell words intentionally.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
bunny, I have an axe.
Just got back from moving boxes and watervaccing the basement floor. Our hot water tank decided that it had lived long enough and went out with a splash.
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
cleo That sounds like a fine mess you got yourself into.
Haven’t had that problem yet (knock on wood). How long will it take for you to get a new one installed?
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
In the south, it appears that most homes (from what I’ve seen and heard) the hot water tanks are in the attic. I can’t imagine what a mess that’ll make.
bmonk about 15 years ago
LuvH8 said, about 2 hours ago
”Bunnyface of course people care. The smell is quite atrocious!!!”
Isn’t that why cannibals don’t eat clowns? They taste funny.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
The plumber is coming between 2 and 4. I helped my dad replace one many years ago and it was a pain. Now just the bill will be the pain.
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
I hear you, cleo. Those guys are anything but cheap.
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Good afternoon, tribe! Grog - I think you’ve got another typo. How are homes in the south, in the attics? Doesn’t anyone live on the other floors? :^)
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hi Rmom That wasn’t a typo…it was an blatant, outright omission of a few words on my part. Nice catch, though. I fixed it.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Doc I am miserable with tools myself. I learned all of my mother’s skills because my dad was on the road all of the time.
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Grog - What can I say? It is a natural talent of mine. When I actually was employed, they had me proofread the company newsletter.
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
I’ve assisted my hubby on replacing a few water heaters. The hardest part is wrestling them around. Of course, making sure that the soldering doesn’t have any leaks is rather tricky, but doable.
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Doc - I think there is definitely some characteristic that either one is born with or not. Both my husband & I are very comfortable with tools. Our oldest is comfortable with tools, although other than computers, he doesn’t care to do anything resembling work. Our youngest barely knows the difference between a Phillips and a flathead screwdriver. Seeing as our house was built by us, with them present majority of the time, it isn’t like they didn’t have exposure to tools.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
I can screw any project up even when I think that I am doing it properly.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
See you Doc.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Afternoon to Everyone.
Just got back and I’m doing some things around the house. I’ll be in and out as I take care of them………….
Sleep well, Doc.
bmonk about 15 years ago
Well, since skills and gifts were discussed after I left:
I too am a natural proofreader. It helps to have a touch–or more–of OCD.
I am not particularly skilled at home maintenance or other things mechanical–hence entering the monastery to avoid many of those picayune problems. Oddly, when I got here, I was assigned to run a press (three, actually) because–I was more mechanical than most of the monks. Go figure.
But I have one brother (and a sister) in IT–system analysists–one with a masters in Electrical Engineering, and a couple other sisters in engineering of various kinds–Industrial and Civil. (I always say, at least one of them is civil!) And a dad who grew up on a farm, and so was not allowed to take High School Shop class–in the 40s, you didn’t get easy grades like that–and who, in the course of 30 or so years completely rewired, replumbed, and rebuilt the interior walls of our family home. Including a switch from coal-fed gravity air heating to gas hot-water heat. Hence, I sometimes claim to have a degree as a Spiritual Engineer…
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
ugh paper time
bmonk about 15 years ago
What’s the paper on?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Music. :0(
i have no clue what my argument is or what to do i am just blah!
bmonk about 15 years ago
Music. Chord progression? Music Appreciation? Composing?
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Just got back from turning off the water to the house. I went down to see if the water heater had leaked anymore water and discovered that it is a pipe in the wall. On one wall the paint has turned into a big balloon holding in water.
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Yikes. Have fun with that Cleo. Now the plumber can’t get there soon enough for your liking, I’m sure.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Grog, exactly and I am wondering how much tearing up he is going to have to do to get to the pipe.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
im going for how the lyrics of punk rock are misinterepeted
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hopefully the water bubble marks the spot, but I wouldn’t count on it.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hi Tabby, good plan, I think! But BARFF, really? LOL!
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hi Dry & Tabby
bmonk about 15 years ago
Back in “the day”, lots of songs were misinterpreted with drug or sexual overtones. 25 or -6 to 4 was one that comes to mind for some reason. Others maybe had more cause: Puff, the Magic Dragon (marijuana) or Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (LSD)…
cleokaya about 15 years ago
That would be just to easy wouldn’t it Grog. I have a friend that is a very skilled contractor and he happens to unemployed right now. He said he will do the external repairs for me, so at least part of the money will go to a friend.
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Well, if you have to part with hard earned dough, I think that would be the best way to go, Cleo.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Grog, everytime I see that now, I am having trouble! I want to say “Gorg” or “Greg”! Man, * why’d you go and do that, huh? LOL!*
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
bunny those songs, Puff and Lucy, I thought were proven as Urban Lengends as to the meanings of the songs?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
dry i have been working on this for over a week. i cant get it anything out of it. he told me to redo the last one i turn in bc he didnt like it. Dry i cant get this!! im losing my mind.
bmonk about 15 years ago
@Dry, maybe it’s a plea for pirate “grog”?
BTW, did you see Sunday’s BC strip? I thought of you and DocT…
bmonk about 15 years ago
@Dry, but at least the texts of Puff and Lucy are more fantastic, more apt to be drug-related. 25 or 6 to 4 is just about being awake at 3:35 a.m. and writing a song ‘cause you can’t get back to sleep.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
bunnyYes, you linked to that didn’t you? I meant to say something to you, but I guess I forgot! :-)
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Dry, I don’t know what to say. I actually thought it would be easier - not that I have a name like JAD and insist that you spell the whole thing out correctly.
How about the G-man? No that would make it sound like I work for the Government…don’t want to do that.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
hiss hiss
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Grog you should have gone with Art it embraces not only your love of comics, but art in general. :-)
cleokaya about 15 years ago
I have no problem with Grog, just as I have no problem with Booker’s.
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Sunday’s was the best BC in quite some time. But I like any BC strip that has Grog in it.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Grog, you could be the Guru.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Well, if you love Grog then you should stick with it.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Grog Oh I am a BAAADDDD person. When you said g-man, I was thinking something else! LOL!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Grog Of course, you should stick with it, but just answer when my fingers type Greg or Gorg, you’ll know it’s you to whom I am referring! :-)
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
this is me
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Cleo, you present some interesting ideas for future consideration. Also, Art is short for my middle given name.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Okay, it’s help Tabby with homework time! Any ideas, guys?
Oh bunny, 25 or 6 to 4 was Chicago, right?
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Yes, Dry, it was Chicago.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
i just need to find some sites and i cant find any. need to find info on how the lyrics were missinterpeted OR on how punk rock makes teens violent. i cant find either. :0( and one of my sources has to be a journal. what the frenchtoast?!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Says she who is heading home. Help her guys! (Ducks under desk to avoid chair being thrown at her!)
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
lol dont leave me hangen
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
better yet lets do emo rock i may get more on that
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Tabby Try using **Violence and Punk Rock in your search. I did, but I don’t know if the search has anything usable for you but it does appear to be connecting the 2.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Hi Grog, BC has always been one of my favorite strips and your your namesake is always good. But they don’t have him in the strip enough.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Hanging around waiting for the plumber is like waiting to find the killer in a mystery. Just what happened and what is the solution?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Grog i shall see what i can find. i do see new websites i have not clicked yet. thanks
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Cleo, I hope everything goes a well as can be expected.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
cleo the only plumber that gets called out to my house is me. :0( we found out the hard way that baby wipes are NOT flushable. lol they should have that on the pakage it comes in. kids! but i love her
bmonk about 15 years ago
I wonder if Rolling Stones would have something on this topic? Just off the top of my head–either that, or some other popular music periodical.
Edit: link to online version. Print version probably in your local public library…
Edit again: I searched there for “violence lyrics interpretation” and got several hits.
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Good luck, Tabby
Hi, Lonewolf I recently bought that BC compilation, “Growing Wtih BC”. All of the early strips made me laugh harder than most anything Mason’s done, but the ones with Grog were especially good.
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
I think it’s time to head home. I’ll drop by later.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Grog have a safe trip
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Tabby maybe I should have you come over and fix my leak. It would give you money for college.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
cleo im on my way money is always good. lol
Why dont you live closer?
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Tabby, I used to, in the winters.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
well used to dont cut it. lol
Dapperdan61 Premium Member about 15 years ago
Mimes are like passing gas ?
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Still waiting. The plumber will be there between two and four. It is 3:39PM. I hate waiting for repairmen.
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Patience is a virtue and sometimes a curse.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
20 minutes to a half hour I am told.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Cleo when they get there after they fix the problem give them a peice of your mind.
dapperdan61 lol that was the first think that came to my mind
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Cleo When ever anyone gives me a window for service, without fail most of them arrive at the latter end of that window or later.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Tabby I would but unfortunately I gave the last piece away some years ago.
Grog, I experience the same results.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Tabby I would but unfortunately I gave the last piece away some years ago.
Grog, I experience the same results.
Ooops! Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hello! Just stopping in.
Tabby Lynn There is a site named Songfacts if you go there you can search for a specific title or if you haven’t chosen the song you are going to use:
1)( - smiling fish on page 2)select browse categories from menu on left 3)when that comes up select miscellaneous from category types 4) select **Songs that Are Commonly Misinterpreted - a list of songs will appear - this could be a good starting point or more info
Ooops! Premium Member about 15 years ago
Oh I made a link, wonder if it works!
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
You said it Grog! And they can be there after the window closes but if you’re not there, you’re wrong.
Ooops! Premium Member about 15 years ago
Okay works! Weird but Browse Categories is actually in middle by browse by artist or song letter on first page.
Hi Lonewolf
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Hi LuvH8!
Yes, the link works!
Ooops! Premium Member about 15 years ago
I’ve never made one before! Hope you are having a good day!
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Lonewolf I’ve found that DirecTV or their appointed representatives are probably the worst when it comes to that. As for the rest of the industry, there are a few that actually showed up at the beginning of that window and flooring me. That’s why you have to take that window seriously and be there during that window. I’ll even leave work a little earlier, in case they might show up earlier.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
LuvH8–I’m doing fairly well today. How about you?
Grog–Comcast has there moments too with scheduling. Luckily, I don’t have to deal with them too much!
Ooops! Premium Member about 15 years ago
Lonewolf - The high stress thing I had scheduled for today is now supposed to take place in May. My neck is slowly unknotting, I slept a whole six hours in a seven hour period of time. — Much Better!
That site is really good for finding lyrics and weird facts about songs.
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Do you know any punk rock songs, LuvH8? I don’t know any punk rock songs or rap songs, but I do know what I like, and I like what I know.
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
A line from a Genesis song BTW
Ooops! Premium Member about 15 years ago
Grog Off hand I actually am not great at classifying songs by type I’ve just listened to Rob Zombie’s ‘Living Dead Girl’, now I am listening to ‘Mad World’ by Tears For Fears. I listen to different types of rock music from the 1940’s to the present. But not too much rap or punk (some of the earlier stuff).
Which Genesis song? I like Genesis & Phil Collins.
Ooops! Premium Member about 15 years ago
Okay, you guys distracted me! I have to go now unless I want to be stuck in traffic for twice as long as it usually takes to run errands. Will be back later (Sigh) I haven’t even finished 1 toon run.
Lot’s of Luv, stay out of trouble.
Lonewolf - I hope some of Rmom’s and my suggestions might be helpful.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
LuvH8, I’m glad you’re doing better with the sleep thing. My sleep habit is still off but it will be that way for a while. Take it easy.
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
I Know What I Like. I forget the album, but it was around 1973..
I thought if you knew any P.R. songs it could be of help to Tabby because you can’t do a look-up by genre in that link.
Ooops! Premium Member about 15 years ago
Grog - try punk rock misinterpreted under general search on that page, I got some results but don’t have time now to look further. Maybe you can help Tabby more.
Lonewolf I’ll try, if I am awake in the middle of the night maybe I will yell or something here.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
What are your trying to find for Tabby. I have listened to a lot of punk and alternative.
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Try this, Tabby Rock Misinterpreted
Didn’t completely work. Search for Punk Rock misinterpreted and I think you’ll come up with some resluts you can use.
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Cleo Any information on Punk Rock misinterpreted or violence in…
I think Tabby mentioned that one of the sources had to be in a journal, if I’m not mistaken.
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
I’m going to take a break from the computer and watch a movie I have in my tape collection.
I’m not sure I’ll be back, though. I think I’m coming down with a bug. My throat is getting more sore by the minute. I may even be asleep before the movie’s over, because I just took some nyquil.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Grog Feel better, I hate Nyquil, but that will knock you out! Take care, sir!
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Take it easy Grog! Catch you later.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Be well Grog.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Hello Mr Cleo–Whatcha doin’?
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Good evening, Tribe! I found this in the Wichita paper today - I think this explains why I’m so tired of winter this year - more so than normal!
“For the first time in its history, Wichita is about to go through a winter where the temperature never touched 60. That’s never happened, according to National Weather Service temperature records dating back to 1888. The agency’s ‘meteorological winter’ stretches from Dec. 1 to Feb. 28, and the thermometer has reached 60 at least once during that period for the past 122 years. But not this year.” “But most Wichita winters include warm spells that offer residents an interlude from the cold. It’s what makes the season more tolerable, longtime residents will tell you.”
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
I now have all the info i need and i am now composing an essay
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Dry love you too!! i am proud of me.
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Good job, Tabby! My son had to write a research paper this week. Of course he waited until today to start on it, and it is due tomorrow. I don’t know how good of a job he did on it, but he says it is all typed up, and just has to format it.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
dang hes good. lol not fair
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Well the plumbing is hopefully fixed, next will be drywall repair.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
You sound pleased so far, Cleo.
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Tabby - If you’re saying my son is good, I’ll withhold judgment until I see what grade he gets on the paper. He took English Comp last semester, and I can tell that helped. Before, he would whine and ask me for help. Now, I only had to give him one suggestion, and tell him if a source he found was a decent source to use.
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Cleo - Is this one of the walls that was recently painted?
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Terry, if there was just one leak I am, it was a lot less expensive then I was expecting. I am going to wait a couple days before having the drywall fixed, just in case. I tell you the projects this year are non-stop.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Rmom, yes, but it is a closet wall, with a chest freezer that is in front of the hole, but we will repair it as well as the many small holes in the basement, which hadn’t just been painted. One sheet of drywall will handle the patches.
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Cleo - Just wondered how difficult it was going to be to match the paint. Hopefully, you have some leftover that will do the job.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Cleo, you poor guy. :^( It seems as if all you have done this past year is projects on the house.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Rmom we have some leftover, fortunately it is not the same color as the room, because we used it up, but it is a Sherwin Williams paint swatch so we could get more if needed.
Terry, tell me about it, it has been non-stop.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Well, I am going to watch a movie and try to get my mind off of this day. I may bbl
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Good night, Cleo! Guess I ought to head off to bed soon.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Enjoy the movie, Cleo.
If I miss you, Good Night Rmom! I am watching the Olympics.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
one more paragraph!!!! almost there!!! wooo hooo party
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Ginger Meggs about 15 years ago
Thanks guys :)
Hello tribe!
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
You’re most welcome, Jason! Thank you, too!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hey Jason! I know you! Nice to see you stop by!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Tell me please, is Tabby HAPPY? :-D
How do you think you did with the essay, girl?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Dry sorry i ran off to take a shower. yes tabby is happy!
i think i did okay. i like it. are you busy right now?
carmy about 15 years ago
Hi Tabby! I’m happy that you finished your essay too!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
i am freezing! ahhh
carmy about 15 years ago
I know, the rain and cold are heading over here. Today was really nice, temps in the 60’s.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Movie break, my wife is talking to her son in Alaska. Good job on your essay Tabby.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
yesterday i had on shorts today i was freezing. :0( its crazy! i am ready for summer come out come out come out!
carmy about 15 years ago
Cleo, is he doing okay in Alaska? Tabby, I went out without a jacket, but I’ll be needing one tomorrow. :-(
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Carmy, she is still talking to him and it could be that he is having issues with living with her girlfriends dad. But he is very resourceful. One thing that I can say with certainty, is my wife raised two independent children. They can handle any situation that I have seen them put into. I just wish that I could.
carmy about 15 years ago
Cleo, you’re very resourceful too. Tabby, is it a nice warm sweater?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
carmy it was that night i tried it on. :0)
DONT PUT YOURSELF DOWN!!!carmy about 15 years ago
Cleo, look at how well you handle the painting duo, Dry and JFri. Not too many could handle those two.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
cleo what have i told you about doing that? it is my job! you cant have my job of feeling pathatic and hopless and like nada! you are a great guy!
carmy about 15 years ago
I had to turn the heater on, it’s getting chilly already. You know you’re in FL when you have the a/c on in the daytime and the heater on at night.
carmy about 15 years ago
Tabby, do you have classes tomorrow?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Carmy,yes i do. :0( i have that essay that is due at 10am tomorrow i turned it in already. I have a test at 1 that i have not even looked at bc i have no clue what to look at for it. and i have codi and math at 6. fun fun fun.
i did find out that my mother will be calling me at 5 or 6 am so im thinking of turning off my phone :0)
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
drats! i found the study guide finaly and its to late to work on it now. ill do it tomorrow b/w classes
carmy about 15 years ago
The study guides for which class?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
carmy about 15 years ago
Will you have enough time to do that between classes?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
i should its only 79 questions and im off from 11-1 bug and myself can work on it together we have the same class same time. we can get a burger and do our study guide all at once. im to tired to even get up and get the book to look up the answers right now, or to go print out the study quide.
i am thinking of going to bed very shortly. im catching up on things i have missed. like my other comics
carmy about 15 years ago
If you’re too tired, you should go to sleep and rest up for tomorrow. It will be helpful to study with your friend.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
i just got the crud scared out of me.
i just got text on my phone yesterday and a friend texted me i had no clue what my phone was doing. lol
having trouble making up my mind on what time to set my alarm for. i need to go see about buying a new phone tomorrow, before classes or after it would be easer to go b4.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
carmy about 15 years ago
Only if you have time before classes. Don’t be rushing around.
carmy about 15 years ago
carmy about 15 years ago
Hola Dry!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Dry thanks!!
Carmy my first class is at 10 i am unsure as to what time the place oppens if it opens at 9 like i think ill do it later.
carmy about 15 years ago
Yeah Tabby, do it later so you can take your time and decide which phone is best for you.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Carmy thanks also. you two got me laughing. im awake now. :0)
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Dry has my man up. :0O whoot whoot