Citizen Dog by Mark O'Hare for February 22, 2011

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    Charles Evans Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Good morining to you Lonewolf and puppybreath.

    Oh man Fergus, you are SO busted.

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    COWBOY7  about 14 years ago

    Plead the fifth, Fergus! Hurry!!

    Good Morning, SS, Sugie, StelBel & Everyone!

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    Francine Long  about 14 years ago

    Methinks the cat is out of the bag. Oops.

    Methinks I have done stupid things like that.

    A very happy day to StelBel, Grog, Dry, Sugie, Cleocaya, Supersurfer, Lonewolf and all our fine fellow comics fans. Most especially those who love Citizen Dog.

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    GROG Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Math homework can be so bland, Fergus. I don’t know how you did it without mustard.

    Good Morning, cleo, sugie, Fellow Baby and other Citizen Dog lovers!

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  5. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Yes, Fergus, just how DID you know?

    Good morning Fellow Baby, sugie and cleo!

    sugie my son’s cat seems fine today. She wasn’t limping at all. They must have hit a nerve or something when they gave her the shots.

    Hi puppybreath!

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    Sugie63  about 14 years ago

    If you’re going to do stuff like that Fergus, you got to learn to lie better or you’re outta there :-P

    Good Morning Grog, Dry, Cleo Lonewolf & (as Grog says) all other Citizen Dog fans!

    Dry, good to hear about your son’s cat.

    Another CATastrophy averted. Oops sorry it’s early morning and I’m not quite awake yet LOL.

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    cleokaya  about 14 years ago

    So Dog’s lie. Does that also mean that pigs fly?

    Good Morning Grog, Dry, sugie, and fellow citizens of CD. A happy day to you as well puppybreath!

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    StelBel  about 14 years ago

    Oh, Fergus, you stepped in it now!

    Good Afternoon, Puppybreath,Dry, Cleokaya, Sugie63, Lonewolf, Grog and everybody!! Hope you all had a great Tuesday!

    Puppybreath: I suspect you and I and most people who so enjoy Citizen Dog and other “dog-centric” strips (Pooch Cafe, Overboard, Dog Eat Doug) care deeply for animals and people. Yes? At one time, I ended up with 7 dogs at once plus I was taking care of my elderly and infirm parents. It was exhausting, but we had a good time. Now, with only Quincy Jack left out of the 7, and my parents having passed on, my husband and I would give anything to go back in time. We have great memories, as I’m sure you all have, as well. And, I can assure you that we absolutely dote on Quincy…he wants for nothing and he can do no wrong!!! He has us wrapped right around his paw! He is the Prince Quince. LOL

    So, Puppybreath, I do think we are indeed kindred spirits.

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    cleokaya  about 14 years ago

    StelBel, one of my favorite memories of my dog Kaya was taking her for a walk down along the Nooksack River. I could have her off leash and there were no cars to worry about. As we were progressing down the banks of the river a tree branch poked her in the butt. I watched her face turn from happy to instant anger. Her nose curled up into a snarl and she turned around and absolutely ripped apart the branch with her teeth, totally destroying it. At that moment I thought, you know dogs have very similar reactions to humans. Also, when I used to watch my hapless Seahawks blow another lead, I would stamp and curse. Kaya would give me this look, roll her eyes, walk out of the room and go to the far corner of the house, enter the bathroom and close the door with her nose. It was like, I have had enough of this foolishness.

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    StelBel  about 14 years ago

    Cleokaya, your dog, Kaya, was just full of personality (or should I say “canine-ality”?)! And, even without language, I’m constantly amazed at how well dogs communicate with their people as to what they’re feeling at any given moment. What special memories you have of her. Thank you for sharing that. I love that she would role her eyes!! Kaya sounds like she had great spirit! And a wonderfully close bond with you.

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    cleokaya  about 14 years ago

    Yes StelBel pets are special, that’s for sure.

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    Francine Long  about 14 years ago

    Thank you for your kind words StelBel. Yes, yes and yes! I do love my furry, four footed speech challenged dogs and cats and for that matter the horses that I have had, sadly now deceased.

    But while they aren’t able to “talk” as we experience communication, they certainly know how to get their point across as evidenced by Cleokaya and her Kaya. Great story!

    They understand more than people give them credit for. We had to resort to spelling to communicate anything that would be remotely exciting or interesting to our dogs. Then they even got the hang of certain spelled words after a period of time.

    We had an old Toyota station wagon that we used as a “puppy car” for a long time. But it became a bit unreliable and we bought a Volvo station wagon that worked better for our three boys and we just used it all the time.

    One day after at least five months since the last time we used the Toyota, my brother said , “What do you say we take the dogs to the river for a swim in the old Toyota?”

    A few minutes later when I went to load up the dogs, I couldn’t find Ben. He’s a big dog, Rottie and Huskie mix. Not easy to overlook. Searched the house, looked around the yard and finally, we heard him barking… the back of the Toyota.

    He had jumped in through the open window and was waiting for his ride and a swim.

    He hadn’t been in the Toyota for 5 months. Yet he knew what was meant by “Toyota” as opposed to the Volvo we had been using.

    I think that’s a sure sign of intelligence and understanding. What a super, wonderful gift from God they all are!

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    cleokaya  about 14 years ago

    puppybreath, good story. I am a male by the way, but your assumption is understandable. When I joined gocomics I never planned on commenting. I chose the names of my two most recent dogs…Kaya, a terrier and Cleo, a Lab, who was still living at the time. So, it is natural to think of me as a female because I chose two female dog names. LOL

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    Francine Long  about 14 years ago

    cleokaya……aha, she says with chagrin. You are so right.

    See….? It never pays to jump to conclusions. If I had used my dog’s names, all three males with very male names, you likely would have thought me to be a male. And, of course I am not. But your conclusion would have been justified.

    Anyway, I really enjoy your comments, your thoughts and stories about your furry family.

    But what, if I may ask, is the significance of the postscript to your name (THE FLASH)?

    I’ve been curious about that for a while.

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  15. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Funny cleo* I never thought of you as female! Cleo is also a man’s name, and knowing you know as I do, SNERK!

    Well StelBel and puppybreath always had dogs in my life as pets, my Teddy and Gallagher grew up together, had them for 16 and 17 years, and our Yellow Lab Susie. She died before them, but when she died, Ted and Gal wouldn’t eat for three days, ran all over the house and yard looking for her. Gallagher was a blue tick mix, such a sweetie, we rescued him from a 4 lane highway, he always ran on 3 legs though the vet said there was nothing wrong with that 4th leg, But he was fast, my was he FAST! And we used to travel in an original VW with these 3 dogs in the back, people got a real kick out of that as we traveled around! When we had kids these dogs were so great with them. Then my sweet dogs all croseed the Rainbow Bridge, and we didn’t have any pets for about 2 years, then this stray cat came around and I made friends with her, and that, is another story for another day! This post is too long, but I’m leaving it stand! :-)

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    cleokaya  about 14 years ago

    puppybreath, if you look at my avatar and read what is posted below my little naked Calvin you should get a pretty good idea. It is funny how a person assumes things. Maybe because I am a male I assumed that you were male, as puppybreath really doesn’t reveal anything. I wondered about StelBel because the comments seemed feminine, but one never knows until the commenter reveals the truth. LOL

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