Won't post your photo on Facebook! $15
Won’t beat your sorry a$$ to a pulp for $100.00. So, go ahead. Make my day!
This reminds me of the photoshoot speed traps. Then they send you a fine for $200.00 for going over the speed limit by 5 miles an hour.
Tell ‘em to muck off.
August 21, 2015
The Duke 1 about 14 years ago
Won’t beat your sorry a$$ to a pulp for $100.00. So, go ahead. Make my day!
odeliasimone about 14 years ago
This reminds me of the photoshoot speed traps. Then they send you a fine for $200.00 for going over the speed limit by 5 miles an hour.
SaunaBeach about 14 years ago
Tell ‘em to muck off.