I am just passing time in 2009, waiting for the Sherpa turn, which always precedes the main turn. Doug and Ginger seem very compatible, their sleeping arrangements are to both of their satisfactions. They got kicked out of the bedroom by Emmalynn, because of their snoring and B.O. But they are fine now.
And there is what I have been waiting for! A Wide World of Bassetts demonstration of competitive ski jumping! Cleo, you looked great for the first half of the jump. Only Rotifer will enjoy the conclusion.
DennisinSeattle about 6 years ago
What, no comments from 2009?
I am just passing time in 2009, waiting for the Sherpa turn, which always precedes the main turn. Doug and Ginger seem very compatible, their sleeping arrangements are to both of their satisfactions. They got kicked out of the bedroom by Emmalynn, because of their snoring and B.O. But they are fine now.
DennisinSeattle about 6 years ago
And there is what I have been waiting for! A Wide World of Bassetts demonstration of competitive ski jumping! Cleo, you looked great for the first half of the jump. Only Rotifer will enjoy the conclusion.
DennisinSeattle about 6 years ago
And the Go Comics turn has still not happened.
Farside99 about 6 years ago
Flap your ears, Cleo, flap your ears!
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 6 years ago
The really interesting thing about Doug & Ginger is that Ginger is the one who arranges their reading materials.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 6 years ago
Ah, fair Cleo …………. dreaming again of Winter Olympic glory, only to be brought back to Earth face-to-face with reality.
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 6 years ago
Hello, all…. or whoever’s still up… or shows up later.
This is the place to comment on
the February 1st (already!) 2019 “CLEO and COMPANY”
Which you can find on Sherpa
(And if you’re new here, I suggest you bookmark it. )
Cleo just settled an ongoing argument among some people I know, about dogs….
She obviously dreams in Technicolor®, not black and white. And with audio!
I’ll have to e-mail them a link as scientific proof.
I sympathize with her….
When I was a kid I often dreamt that I fell to the ground with a hard “klunk,” soon after falling asleep, which woke me up.
Though I had vivid, memorable dreams later in the night, I never could remember what I was doing in the ones right before I fell.
Another strange night in Susan’s computerland… the same keys are once again working intermittently….
but this time, sometimes when I get one to start up again, it types the letter 3 or 4 times…. as in “tyyyypeees.” Oh fun.
That reminds me … Nighthawks…
I guess you didn’t see my reply the other night where I puzzled out the sentence in your “offset” typing (cos I can’t resist a puzzle)…
I also said your method of keyboard repair was tempting…
but not very good for my faithful little laptop.
Time to make like Doug and Gingerrrrrrrrzzzzzzzzz…..
katina.cooper about 6 years ago
Cleo did a lot better than Claude could have ever done. At least she got all the way down and made the jump. So, which one of her feat got the agony?
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 6 years ago
Addendum Department….
Just realised…. falling on her back was uncomfortable….
But at least Cleo didn’t fall right side up and have to experience the agony of de feet.
Oh, wait…. would that be de agony of de paws?
Never mind, then.
And forgot to say… hope all of you dealing with the extreme weather are keeping safe and warm.
Plods with ...™ about 6 years ago
Looks like agony of the neck vs de feet
MontanaLady about 6 years ago
WOW! Cleo has her own chair?! What a lucky dog! How does she get all the way up there?
Rotifer FREE BEER & BATH MATS ON FEB. 31st Thalweg Premium Member about 6 years ago
My Favorite Part™ was the fluttering dog hair.
P.S. “Fluttering Doghair” would be a good name for a mid winter craft beer at the Crooked Goat Brewing Co. in Santa Rosa.
GROG Premium Member about 6 years ago
The agony of da feet – two left feet that is
GROG Premium Member about 6 years ago
Ginger misses Fred big time.