One Big Happy by Rick Detorie for November 05, 2008

  1. Ba071203
    circuit7  over 16 years ago

    ROFL just like my boys!

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  2. Triscele
    txmystic  over 16 years ago

    Ruthie is behaving a bit like Mike Binkley over at Bloom County, I see…

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  3. Simpsonized me close up
    mrprongs  over 16 years ago

    It was a much better saying than Happy As The Joker.

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  4. Ha thur  har ewe
    stpatme  over 16 years ago

    The full saying is, “happy as a clam at high tide.” This implies that they are not in danger of being dug up and eaten. Since they have no mouths as we use the term, her mother is obviously not feeding her correct information, and has nothing to be proud of. The kid is a delight, though, with a very big heart.

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