Still doesn’t explain the loss of the house. Did the creditors still get it? She did say theoretically they couldn’t touch her, not that they couldn’t touch her.
Also, without the truth, how can Jane keep the girls from wondering where dear old dad is? And from contacting him and even trying to move in with him if they all have a particularly bad fight.
The loss of house was an indirect result of the divorce (the loss of her savings in the custody fight, the lack of income, etc.), not a court-ruled decision. She simply couldn’t keep up with the mortgage payments on her own. Also, as far as the girls knowing the truth, they do know part of the story but not the “whole story,” as Jane mentions. There are certain parts (her ex’s alcoholism, etc.) that the girls don’t need to know yet.
razorback2824 over 15 years ago
Hey, kids! Guess who’s coming back?
4deerinmyyard over 15 years ago
He’ll stop listening if you’ll let him get some coffee.
lewisbower over 15 years ago
Reminds me of the teenage cashier talking to his friend while I’m waiting to cash out
ejcapulet over 15 years ago
And now we know how she lost everything - she was trying to protect her kids from a slime-bag.
alondra over 15 years ago
Why is she telling this story in a public place for and she hasn’t seen this guy in years. How does she know she can trust him?
boomerangcomix over 15 years ago
she’s looking for pity sex.
Lyons Group, Inc. over 15 years ago
Give him some of our gang’s nuclear coffee! Bet that’ll make him forget!
Ushindi over 15 years ago
Jane, would you please let that poor guy get his coffee?
(Why am I asking a cartoon character to do something?)
mrprongs over 15 years ago
Still doesn’t explain the loss of the house. Did the creditors still get it? She did say theoretically they couldn’t touch her, not that they couldn’t touch her.
Also, without the truth, how can Jane keep the girls from wondering where dear old dad is? And from contacting him and even trying to move in with him if they all have a particularly bad fight.
jpullan Premium Member over 15 years ago
mrpongs, The loss of house was an indirect result of the divorce (the loss of her savings in the custody fight, the lack of income, etc.), not a court-ruled decision. She simply couldn’t keep up with the mortgage payments on her own. Also, as far as the girls knowing the truth, they do know part of the story but not the “whole story,” as Jane mentions. There are certain parts (her ex’s alcoholism, etc.) that the girls don’t need to know yet.
coffeeturtle over 15 years ago
yes, thanks jpullan! I’m trying to catch up on the story here and appreciate the back-story as well! :-)
(it is rare to hear the comments of the author… thank you!)
more here:
Sad that divorce could ever be “strictly for financial reasons”
Love that red hair! :-)