It was the same way with my husband and I, Doc.. At the start we went out on a couple of dates and decided there wasn’t enough chemistry (or whatever0. We were friends for a long time and now we have been together for over twelve years and have a wonderful son. Friends first is the way to go.
4deerinmyyard over 15 years ago
You need to see an oral surgeon about that footectomy ASAP, Jane.
alondra over 15 years ago
Oh Jane! I think he’d like to be more than a brother!
coffeeturtle over 15 years ago
you’re down for now dude, but things will look up. :-)
Get her number!!! LOL!
Donna Haag over 15 years ago
It was the same way with my husband and I, Doc.. At the start we went out on a couple of dates and decided there wasn’t enough chemistry (or whatever0. We were friends for a long time and now we have been together for over twelve years and have a wonderful son. Friends first is the way to go.
vasgar1 over 15 years ago
Being like a brother is the height of sucktown, I know.
vasgar1 over 15 years ago
and to “iamtxmilady”, you and your husband are lucky. Me, not so much.