Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for November 02, 2008
George W. Bush: I should out there campaigning... they must've lost my number. Any word from the McCain people yet? Aide: About what, sir? Bush: About using me to campaign, of course! Aide: Um... it doesn't seem to be part of their strategy, sir. Bush: What, are they idiots? A quarter of the country still LOVES me! And what about all those hugs I put up with in '04? McCain owes me... hell, forget me - you'd think they'd at least want to leverage the presidency! Aide: What part exactly, sir? Bush: The majesty of the office, obviously! Aide: I can suggest it.
bell3rose1a over 16 years ago
Eight years of this administration is like being on “Survivor”.
FRIDABONITA over 16 years ago
Let’s hope VOTE for a change so we don’t have another 4+ of this.
PappaTex over 16 years ago
Hell yeah! Let’s all vote for Obama so he can take money away from the people that actually worked hard, made good decisions, applied themselves, and earned it, and give it to people that did nothing for it.
When the people that own the businesses that all these unmotivated, uneducated, “American Idol” fans work for have to trim expenses because of the increased tax expenses, where do you think they start? With all these people that voted the guy into office to make these tax increases.
Way to go guys, you just voted yourself out of a job.
Nipponkid over 16 years ago
Tex…we get it your republican. Your name told me that before i even looked at your comment…
PappaTex over 16 years ago
No, actually, I’m a libertarian. When you put either of the major parties platform to a consitutional test, both fail miserably. I voted early, and didn’t vote for either McCain or Obama.
Sorry to disappoint ya.
The_Jerk_Store over 16 years ago
Right, Grokenstein!! Let’s all vote for Bob Barr. MMMmm! Libertarianism! Let’s all disconnect from the grid and refuse mail deliveries and water. Wouldn’t that be grand? Tell you what, if you hate the entire structure of representative civilian government so much, why don’t you and Pappa Tex move to the Isle of Mann, or the Caymans, or some tax-free lala land, and spare the rest of us your whining about “guv’mint”. God save us from the friggin’ libertarians.
attyush over 16 years ago
Your choices are: Giant Douche Turd Sandwich
Vote on 4th and then repent in leisure.
JonD17 over 16 years ago
(knowin” I’m gonna regret this) Uhm PappaTex, isn’t that pretty much what the current Republican led Regime has done with the Wall St bailout and such. Ipersonally think it was the “american idol” fans who put Bush into office anyway.
RussellNash over 16 years ago
I’ve asked this every single place I’ve seen someone scream about Libertarianism and I’ve yet to get an answer.
Can any Libertarian explain to me how our current situation would be better if we had had less regulation? If you look around the world, you see that the more regulation a country had, the less they were hurt by this collapse.
Canada was just rated by the World Bank as the most stable banking system in the world. Their regulation is stifling next to ours, but hardly anyone up there is losing their house.
Nipponkid over 16 years ago
Lmao cfortunato. Nice
bluedyscotty over 16 years ago
The party’s abandoned Bush. They’d abandon McCain before he even set foot in office. They just want to fill the void until they can try to push ‘Fargo’ Palin and her hubby into office. Bush wrecked the White House. Hang onto your hats for the last few months of deregulation yet to come.
txmystic over 16 years ago
I love the burst screw flying out of Bush’s icon when he mentions the McCain hugs.
OshkoshJohn over 16 years ago
I hope you understand that a vote for Libertarian Bob Barr is equivalent to a vote for Ralph Nader or a vote for Ron Paul or any other of the downward-charting members of the slate. Thanks for helping Barack Obama!
bubbie7 over 16 years ago
This year for the first time in 60+ years I’m voting a straight Democratic ticket. From the pres,senate,house, guv,mayor dog catcher. Then at least I’ll know who to blame if things don’t improve
FRIDABONITA over 16 years ago
Doesn’t the interior shot look like terra from Gone With the Wind post civil war?
longtimecomicsfan over 16 years ago
Hell yeah! Let’s all vote for Obama so he can take money away from the people that actually worked hard, made good decisions, applied themselves, and earned it, and give it to people that did nothing for it.
You mean the investment bankers or AIG? Only market losses should be socialized, right?
I would welcome the opportunity to pay 3% more in taxes on my personal income over $250K, if it would only restore the 40% of my 401K that was sacrificed at the altar of financial market deregulation.
jackofstories over 16 years ago
The helmet is meant to represent the helmet of Mars, the god of war.
FRIDABONITA over 16 years ago
The roman military helmet seems quiet fitting for W
He was going to do daddy proud and be a hero by righting what went wrong during Desert Storm
The laurel wreath would have been worn by great spokesmen and we all know how far from reality that would be. W isn’t going down in the annals of history as one of our great speakers.; A war monger yes, an orator, no.
FRIDABONITA over 16 years ago
Unc said,
Yes, and we “get it” that no one is welcome here unless they’re a left-wing Democrat who bows at the Altar of Obama.
1st, that is not true. We had a lively and somewhat intellectual conversation over the weekend with out name calling or snide remarks.
2nd, you are on liberal turf, what do you expect?
You think you’re gonna convert us? I think you like being a smart ‘ass’
NoFearPup over 16 years ago
One point makes this pseudo-comic biography totally a waste of publishing paper,ink or bytes : Trudeau totally misses Bush’s most likely motivations - He just aint that vain. This is another case of Dems projecting their petty philosophy on everyone else.
FRIDABONITA over 16 years ago
I think the ironic part IS that he’s wearing a helmet but as we all know, he is invisible, ie. no substance. That seems very clear and very accurate.
FRIDABONITA over 16 years ago
I don’t think anyone thinks he is vain, just misguided and out of step with reality.
FRIDABONITA over 16 years ago
I do believe the president is the commander- in-chief, hence the helmet of a roman warrior should be apt. We, the U S of A , are an empire and our ruler is seen as such. What we’ve seen is all the costume and props but no real leadership.
NoFearPup over 16 years ago
Trudeau could have just ran one panel consecutively over the last eight years - with a caption that said “Bush sucks - 51% are idiots.” If we could move this fossil along maybe some young cartoonist can take his place.
Nipponkid over 16 years ago
Frida Bonita is down in my good books. :^)
bell3rose1a over 16 years ago
Look it’s simple, the U.S.Of A. has been hard to starboard for all these many years. Now it is time for a correction. Let someone else up at bat, the Republicans stuck out, what other metaphors, similes, and etcetera are needed to explain what’s happening.
ChiehHsia over 16 years ago
Frida - all it needs is for Laura Bush to make a ball gown out of those drapes.
Alexus_The_Great over 16 years ago
Susan et al: Garry started to use the helmet to portray GWB after the Iraq war, as an ironic resemblance of Mars the god of war. And, YES, it is empty with no substance and GWB is represented with an asterisc (and we all know that an asterisc can represent anything… And, yes, the helmet has been under constant deterioration, matching closely the deteriorated US image… In my opinion, it has nothing to do with the Empire or the Emperor…
NoFearPup over 16 years ago
The asterisk also goes back to GB sr. and the Reagan years - which is why Trudeau should move on already!!!
Skulker over 16 years ago
NoFearPup says: One point makes this pseudo-comic biography totally a waste of publishing paper,ink or bytes : Trudeau totally misses Bush’s most likely motivations - He just aint [sic] that vain. This is another case of Dems projecting their petty philosophy on everyone else. The asterisk also goes back to GB sr. and the Reagan years - which is why Trudeau should move on already!!! I suppose when one’s belief system is being challenged you are running out of valid defensive arguments it would feel uncomfortable and one would want to move on or change the subject. Much easier than examining a belief system.