FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for May 31, 2008
Roger: Well, Andy, I lived through my college reunion. Andy: Mmm. Roger: Sure, there were guys with more hair than me... guys with thinner waists... classmates with better careers. But I'll tell you one thing- nobody had a prettier wife by his side. ...except Dick Wilson. Woo! Andy: Roger, would you like to live beyond your college reunion?
unidawn10 about 15 years ago
Reunions are sometimes painful because they are some persons who are doing way better than you.
cl1996 over 9 years ago
Well a better wife wouldn’t threatening hurting his husband this much.
[Unnamed Reader - 8c1e87] about 6 years ago
Uh. Bad idea, Roger.
NobodyCares000 about 4 years ago
NOBODY ever do this.