FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for September 27, 2008
Paige: Farmer Bob wants to grow dates on 25 percent of his 118-acre farm... assuming that train A heads west and train B heads east on what date will they... If archaeologist Jones wishes to carbon date one-seventh the number of fossilized dates that archaeologist Smith has dated to date... I swear, this math book was written by a sadist. Andy: Another Saturday night of homework? Wow
margueritem over 16 years ago
All math books were written by sadists….
7.G.U.Y.7 over 16 years ago
first it was something with Peter, now its Paige? make up ur mind txmystic
mrprongs over 16 years ago
Archaeologist Jones? Indy!
bluetopazcrystal over 16 years ago
Oh, the bad memories of trying to decipher that crap!LOL.
torch43 over 16 years ago
man i hate that stuff. poor paige…
bethluvsbooks over 16 years ago
story problems are best. the ones i hate are when they just wrie it out, and i just stare at them blankly 45% of(-56!)+65n? no idea at all.
tobybartels over 16 years ago
Hey, the English and Spanish comic strips are different today!
Jason Fox over 13 years ago