FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for October 08, 2008
<click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> <click> Peter: Sometimes I think the TV networks must be run by battery manufacturers. Paige: This looks interesting. Oh, wait- it's a commercial.
bkharvey over 16 years ago
350 Channels and nothing to watch.
torch43 over 16 years ago
well, usually commercials are more interesting then the trash we watch.
bethluvsbooks over 16 years ago
does it seem to you that all of the ‘drama’ shows are written by the same writer? and that he’s way overpaid?
mrprongs over 16 years ago
NO, but soaps share character names and plots.
Jason_Fox_Fangirl over 16 years ago
I <3 this strip.
Jason_Fox_Fangirl over 16 years ago
I love this strip
DerkinsVanPelt218 about 14 years ago
Just imagine how things were before we had TiVo and YouTube to bypass these ads.