FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for December 31, 2008
Jason: My, my, Peter. 40 mph in a 25 mph zone. That's 15 mph over the speed limit... at $1 per... ouch, that's $15! Jason: That's what it'll cost if I get a speeding ticket? Jason: Tha's what it'll cost to keep me from telling Mom. You know, for $5 more. I won't mention this glove box incident, either. Peter: Let's see how fast I can take these speed bumps.
cleokaya about 16 years ago
How about hitting speed bumps at 50 MPH, quickly followed by a quick foot to the brake. Jason suddenly becomes a head banger.
R.Khalife about 16 years ago
i probs would do it too cleokaya if i was being blackmailed abt my speeding :P but wat can we say he had a need for speed :p
shadowcougar8 about 16 years ago
a need for speed that will make Jason bleed
tobybartels about 16 years ago
In the Spanish version, it costs $20!
Zaristerex about 16 years ago
Wow, that would be a cheap speeding ticket. In Arizona we usually pay around $181 for speeding, among the highest in the nation! The governor’s using it as a scam to increase state revenue.