The coffee shop guy is being a total jerk. The sign says, “Why not take home a slice of lemon cake.” To which Davey might have replied: “Because I’d rather eat it at the office.”
The sign doesn’t say, “You must purchase a slice of lemon cake and eat it only at home.”
Oh, the troubles that could be avoided if only people would employ a bit more clarity in their language!
mrsullenbeauty over 15 years ago
Don’t worry; it’ll get there eventually.
Hugh B. Hayve over 15 years ago
Whoa! Was there some kind of tracking device in the cake, or does Davey have an overactive guilty conscience?
zero over 15 years ago
The tip off should’ve been—Orwellian Coffee Shoppe.
tc0809 over 15 years ago
The coffee shop guy is being a total jerk. The sign says, “Why not take home a slice of lemon cake.” To which Davey might have replied: “Because I’d rather eat it at the office.”
The sign doesn’t say, “You must purchase a slice of lemon cake and eat it only at home.”
Oh, the troubles that could be avoided if only people would employ a bit more clarity in their language!
Muchak over 15 years ago
hmmm…Home is where the office is?
Dorian over 15 years ago
Good one jukeofurl! :)