Jeff Danziger for September 10, 2009

  1. John adams1
    Motivemagus  almost 15 years ago

    I grew up in North and South Carolina, and generally Southerners are well-mannered (so are New Englanders, where I was born and where I live now), but South Carolinian politicians have a long tradition of being “fire-eaters,” and indeed were the most obnoxious leading up to the Civil War; the most famous example of this was Preston Brooks beating Charles Sumner in 1856 with his cane so brutally that it took years of therapy for him to return to the Senate.

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  2. Lorax
    iamthelorax  almost 15 years ago

    Have any Democrats ever apologized for badmouthing Republicans? Dig deep enough and I’m sure you’ll catch them doing the same thing when they were the opposition.

    That guy *is* a punk, but it’s for apologizing. He should have just explained his outburst and left it at that.

    Even we bland Canadians’ politicians scream and shout during speeches.

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  3. Campina 2
    deadheadzan  almost 15 years ago

    It was said of South Carolina that it was too small for a nation and too large for an insane asylum. After all South Carolina was first to seceed from the Union and first to fire on the Union at Ft. Sumner. It is only expected that an African American president should be disrespected in this way from their lily white representative. I’m sure this will be applauded by some racists in the GOP. Abraham Lincoln would turn over in his grave to see who controls the GOP today.

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  4. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  almost 15 years ago

    Try reading Kathleen Parker’s piece from the other day in the Washington Post, Now there’s one concervative a person can respect.

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  5. Cresswell5
    Kingoswald Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    It was said of South Carolina that it was too small for a nation and too large for an insane asylum.

    Love it!

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  6. Cheryl 149 3
    Justice22  almost 15 years ago

    It seems Representative Wilson took a page from the Brits. I wonder if he likes their healthcare too?

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  7. Missing large
    dwill  almost 15 years ago

    Such disrespect during a chief executive’s speech before a joint session of congress calls for censure. The G.O.P. has sunk to a new all time low.

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    dwill  almost 15 years ago

    reasonsventriloquist: my viris scan has reported this an unsafe websight……..last visit here, looking for editorial cartoons elsewhere.

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  9. 1250741192973
    meowdam  almost 15 years ago

    Joe , Joe, Joe , what were you thinking , well at least now people all over the world know who you are. Talk about back firing, were you drunk? or just full of arrogance and stuffed to the brim with your own disinformation and rhetoric . Can I say “another nail in the GOP coffin “, you guys have become the political laughing stock of the world. Enjoy your vacation. You’ll make a great lobbiest in a year or two. Political suicide in front of both houses and the world! WOW EPIC. You sir are now defined forever you’ll never shake this . I’ll bet emails like mine outnumber your supporters 10 to 1. I’m off to have breakfast with my Thai friends and I’m sure you’ll be our topic this morning , they’ll ask me about “what Kind “of people come from S.C. and I’ll say most are nice and have manners and care about their neighbors. Most. Thank you for this thank you so much , looking forward to your next campaign , p.s. if you are a staffer reading this I’d dust off my resume if I were y’all. HAHA

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  10. Image013
    believecommonsense  almost 15 years ago

    justice22, that occurred to me too … GOPers pick and choose when their principles apply or don’t apply depending upon the issue … oh shoot, I forgot, they don’t have any principles

    dwill, I think they still have a ways to sink … they haven’t won back their majority yet …

    Kingoswald, perhaps So. Carolina *is* an insane asylum


    here’s the transcript of Wilson’s statement to media today:

    Last night, I heard from the leadership that they wanted me to contact the White House and state that, uh, my statements were inappropriate and i did.

    wow … he said he had to be told to apologize and then justified his behavior by saying it was spontaneous … gee, I’m sure convinced he’s sincere…

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  11. 1250741192973
    meowdam  almost 15 years ago

    I tried to send this to ” YOU LIE , JOE ” but his congressional website is flooded ….. imagine .

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  12. 1250741192973
    meowdam  almost 15 years ago

    MEOWDAM: You do realize they do this, and much worse, on a weekly basis in England, right?

    And this is relevant how ? Elitist peripheral royalty sniping at one and other. Hardly the same thing and an enormous non sequiter.

    And did any of you call for censure of Harry Reid when he called the President a liar on the Senate floor? (he never apologized). How about when they booed Bush? Commentators said it was unheard of (though I doubt it)

    Do you think the apology is the point? Bush booed - hahahahahaha .

    Uncanny your ability to miss the point, uncanny .

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  13. 1250741192973
    meowdam  almost 15 years ago

    Again you see your side quite clearly

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  14. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  almost 15 years ago

    church, while I won’t say the US congress is the laughing stock of the world, The rest of the world has enough of their own cranks, in the EU eyebrows are turned up.

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  15. Missing large
    hastynote Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    A black President in the same room with whites from South Carolina??? Just watch and listen! You can tell which one’s like to wear white sheets while waving the stars and bars.

    It is not a question of acting ill-mannered. It’s all about denying that they lost the civil war and demanding that the”black boy” goes away!

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  16. Img 0002
    ezdeb  almost 15 years ago

    Hey, here’s an idea!

    How about we don’t assume the moronic Sen. Wilson speaks for all republicans? He does, however, have support galore from the repub leadership.

    How about we don’t assume ANYONE represents EVERYONE? Obama doesn’t represent black people. Nancy Pelosi doesn’t represent democrats. Strom Thurmond doesn’t represent white people. Wilson doesn’t represent southerners. Rush Limbaugh doesn’t represent conservative people.

    It may feed some primitive lust to make comments like those I’m seeing above, but please try to put down the mudpies and back away.

    The first one to say in reply that “well, WE (those I claim to represent) are the good guys and THEY (those you detest) are bad, whole cloth, gets the Senator Wilson baby whiner award.

    And I don’t think for one minute that his outburst was not completely pre-planned. Note how none of those sitting around him look the least bit surprised. They knew he would yell out. It wasn’t an instant’s frustration at the president’s “lie”, but a calculated pander to the townhall crowd. IMHO

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  17. Img 0002
    ezdeb  almost 15 years ago

    Reasons, who, as a liberal, would I “smack hard” so people will know that I “stand somewhere for something”?

    Trite phrases are for lazy people. And the debate IS going on about illegal immigrants getting any federal funds. Senator Conrad discusses it again today. Your assertion that poor Sen “good ol’ Joe” Wilson is getting trashed while the president gets off scott free is just wrong. Even after specific language is tightened even more to NOT allow illegal immigrants access to federal subsidy, Wilson and his “smackdown” artists continue to say “Lies!Lies!”.

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  18. Image013
    believecommonsense  almost 15 years ago

    meow, I tried to send Rep. Joe Wilson a message yesterday too, found his official web site down the entire day. It’s still down today, too. Found another site:

    i didn’t sign, not a big fan of these type of sites, but if others are … there it is!

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  19. Image013
    believecommonsense  almost 15 years ago


    1) yes, I’ve watched clips of England’s sessions and certainly don’t want the USA to emulate them

    2) If Harry Red made his comment on the senate floor during debate on legislation, it is most certainly NOT equal to shouting “You lie” during a presidential address to a joint session of congress. Surely you can discern the significance of the difference.

    Here is what Reid is quoted as saying: ”President Bush is a liar. He betrayed Nevada and he betrayed the country.”

    I’ve tried to find exactly where Harry Reid was when he said that … Do you a source for saying it occurred during floor debate on the Senate floor? (just asking cuz I couldn’t find it)

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  20. Img 0002
    ezdeb  almost 15 years ago

    “…and I think that Joe was a good soldier who took one for the team and now all the attention is on him and none of it is on Obama.”

    This wasn’t you? I misinterpreted this? OK, everyone, was it me? Or was Reasons a poor poster?


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  21. Campina 2
    deadheadzan  almost 15 years ago

    I still assert that so much of this disrespect shown to Obama is racism pure and simple. It is almost beyond comprehension that those like Glen Beck can call for violence toward the President and get away with it. Would this be the case if a WASP was President. Kennedy was assasinated and he was a Roman Catholic. Would he have been assasinated if he had been a WASP?

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  22. Image013
    believecommonsense  almost 15 years ago

    church, OK, I found what you found, including Meet the Press. Your acknowledgment is both accepted and appreciated.

    Also glad you found Wilson’s outburst disrespectful. On another post, I said i didn’t know if it was unprecedented in our nation’s history, only in modern history. Might have happened in previous century, another time

    I have occasionally felt insulted when someone i’ve enjoyed going back and forth with doesn’t respond, then I have to remind myself hey, this isn’t my ‘real’ life and it’s easy to lose track of where prior posts are.

    reGorrell 9/10, yes I will respond but I’m going to take the time to do it right, because there was much you missed in your recap. I will follow you around to let you know when I do. ;-D

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