Heart of the City by Steenz for February 25, 2009
Heart: Today is Ash Wednesday, the official beginning of lent... Heart: In accordance with my catholic religion, I'm suppose to give up something I really like until Easter...so I'll see you all in about 40 days. Teacher: Well, everybody knows you hate math, Miss Heart, so sit down. Heart: Yeah, I figured that would be a tough sell.
Asrial almost 16 years ago
And I thought “giving things up for lent” meant you gave up a sin like smoking so you could become more like Jesus.
Ashrey almost 16 years ago
Smoking is not a sin.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 16 years ago
Nice try, Heart!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 16 years ago
Smoking isn’t a sin, just a really hard habit to break, no matter how hard you try!
Radical-Knight almost 16 years ago
Hey, Heart! I hear Danae makes a good math tutor.
mrprongs almost 16 years ago
Smoking kills. Killing is a sin. Erego, smoking is a sin.
So people must give up a sin to be more like a Jewish, sandal wearing, long haired weirdo who thought we should all just get along? Interesting beliefs. Then there’s the actual ash for Ash Wed.
bluetopazcrystal almost 16 years ago
No, you give up something that you enjoy for Lent. It doesn’t have to be sinful. Like chocolate.
Asrial almost 16 years ago
bluetopazcrystal > So if you enjoy excersizing, you give that up for Lent, even when the Gospel says your body is a temple of the holy Spirit ?
Constantinepaleologos over 5 years ago
So where are her ashes?
Decepticomic almost 4 years ago
If only that could work. Well, I’m not religious, so it wouldn’t have mattered.