Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for September 06, 2008

  1. Cowboy bebop
    Catastrophic  over 16 years ago

    My kids actually know to tell my wife and I if we should answer the phone or not by reading the caller ID. “It’s just a Toll-free Number!” either our daughter (11) or our 2 sons (8 and 5) will call out. Yeah, our 5 year old is learning to read still, but he knows what the word Toll-free means… it means to LET IT RING! (or answer then hang up, take your pick)

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  2. Large dsc 0666 3
    Eduardo José Varela Bravo  over 16 years ago

    A classical joke on literal meaning recreated by Calvin

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  3. Ducttapeprincess021
    7.G.U.Y.7  over 16 years ago

    this is wat 2 do when some1 calls… provided u know them

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    swolf48110  over 16 years ago

    Better yet….let the 5 year old answer and tell them in intense detail ALL about his day!

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  5. Ba071203
    circuit7  over 16 years ago

    You know, it’s been years since Bill quit drawing this strip but it never gets old.

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    cwreenactor  over 16 years ago


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    Mowgli-Chiara  over 16 years ago

    “yes let me put u in hold for a few minutes, may I ask whom is calling? and then just walk away for the rest of the dinner, LOL

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    ssman08  over 16 years ago

    haa i have that one

    ice age ho ahhhhhhh

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  9. German shepherd 18
    Daviddeer  over 16 years ago

    This was a good one!

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  10. Comic
    Qwerti  over 16 years ago

    sigh, I wish that Watterson would draw Calvin and Hobbes again….

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  11. Meerbabies
    westiewestaz  over 16 years ago

    I had a friend who would hand the phone to her 2-year old when it was an unwanted call and the little one would “talk” to the person!!!

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  12. Eye01
    sparkycat1  over 16 years ago

    Instead of this if it is a telamarketer yell into the phone, or say random things.

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    spotischekos  over 16 years ago

    hahaha! right! i could use that line!

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    Ed The Red Premium Member over 16 years ago

    My sister had a boring receptionist job back in college, and she used to call people up at random and as soon as they answered the phone she would ask if she could put them on hold. She says a surprising number would agree, and would stay on hold for a long time. Of course, she’s going to Hell for this, but it’s an interesting phycological experiment.

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    pjbear94  over 16 years ago

    Be more literal, phone caller.

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    susana226  over 16 years ago


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