Funny. When I don’t wear a watch, I am less concerned about the time of day. Which is man-made. But I still manage to be on time to important things.
My life schedule becomes more in tune with the biorythms of the solar system eg: Sun/Earth constants and variables.
rayannina over 16 years ago
Me too!
txmystic over 16 years ago
Not only would he have bought one, his dad would help him file the patent!
Artrina over 16 years ago
Such hope and wisdom from someone so young….
shasneha over 16 years ago
calviiinnnnn u r impossible
schtupa over 16 years ago
Like the rest of Calvin’s things his watch is special.
MrBillT over 16 years ago
Maybe that’s why Calvin ended up in the jurassic, his watch was running backwards……
Wildmustang1262 over 16 years ago
Calvin should fix his watch by himself. If he can’t fix his watch, why doesn’t he ask his father to fix it for him, eh?
Silverpearl over 16 years ago
My kids didn’t get a watch until they were ten years old. Guess I’m old fashioned, not just old.
dberanek over 16 years ago
This is my favorite comic strip of all time. I still miss Calvin and Hobbes. I even named one of my cats Calvin. Hobbes already went to heaven.
stpatme over 16 years ago
Burgundy2 says:
Does time control clocks or clocks control time…
Neither, the escapement controls the clock. The flux capacitor controls time.
Pat Elvin over 16 years ago
Calvin’s (Bill Watterson’s) imagination knows no bounds.
History800 over 16 years ago
I would buy one too!!
britbiker over 16 years ago
Funny. When I don’t wear a watch, I am less concerned about the time of day. Which is man-made. But I still manage to be on time to important things. My life schedule becomes more in tune with the biorythms of the solar system eg: Sun/Earth constants and variables.
DeathDealer over 16 years ago
I wish I had one that I could run backward for a while. My stock portfolio wouldd look very different.
mrprongs over 16 years ago
I had a watch start running backwards in time. Too bad it refused to take me with it.
It’s great you’re in tune with the Earth/Sun, but everybody else isn’t. You could wind up late because of it.
Ray_C over 16 years ago
No…all the others would just be early.
ninmas over 16 years ago
i couldn’t live without a watch…
britbiker over 16 years ago
Going without a watch is like sleeping naked. More freedom…
Calvinhobbes24 over 16 years ago
They sell things like that?
dsbairdks over 15 years ago
Stoping Time
jr1234 almost 2 years ago
His watch stopping, PROOF he DID go time traveling
This has 14 years ago comments?
Think the older, original 1987 version’s comments GOT changed with this 2008 rerun, because Calvin DID time travel