Hmmm! And to think, I used to torment my childhood friend Rodney like that when I was little. It always ended up as a wrestling match. Great fun and it kept us from being bored.
Hobbes could do well as a politician. He leads you to draw the conclusion he wants and then absolves himself of all responsibility for it and its consequences.
You may be right, but I think it would be more about Calvin antagonozing Dad, Suzie or the babysitter.
I wonder where Dad ranks in the latest polls? I know where Hobbes ranks right now.
Don’t NUKE the BEES - There’s enough of that going around via Arial Spraying of Commercial Crop Farms.
We need the Pollinators if We want to eat fruits & vegies that require Pollination to produce! Perish the Thought Even if U were just kidding - Plant more flowers. Enjoy living thru planning, planting, growing & harvesting your own garden!
It’s also a Great Way to keep kid’s busy & out of trouble (the bad kind, not the Calvinator’s Great Imagination!!! Kind).
margueritem over 15 years ago
Calvin, you’re sooo easy to mess with…
vibjyor over 15 years ago
Calvin you will have to wait. Hobbes can tell only after he finishes reading the comic.
pouncingtiger over 15 years ago
With a friend like that, who needs enemies.
wolfbyte36 over 15 years ago
Hmmm! And to think, I used to torment my childhood friend Rodney like that when I was little. It always ended up as a wrestling match. Great fun and it kept us from being bored.
Lillie1313 over 15 years ago
wow i love calvin and hobbes because there always LOL!
carmy over 15 years ago
Hobbes is so enjoying this.
D-i-c-e-R over 15 years ago
If you can’t trust your own imaginary friend, who can you trust?
Ivy0730Lcsq over 15 years ago
a little trick lubricate the fun of friendships.
So Calvin is beephobia? Im mousephobia brrr~~~
Yukoner over 15 years ago
Hobbes could do well as a politician. He leads you to draw the conclusion he wants and then absolves himself of all responsibility for it and its consequences.
Ladies and gentlemen, Senator Hobbes!!
lazygrazer over 15 years ago
Captain Napalm’s nuclear adventure is nothing compared to what Hobbes is in for.
D-i-c-e-R over 15 years ago
Let me remind you, Senator Hobbes, you are under oath and you will be held in contempt if you do not answer the question.
alicantina over 15 years ago
Hobbes, you’re cruel… I wonder what Calvin will do to you when he finally moves
Rakkav over 15 years ago
With friends like these, who need friends?
BigDaveGlass over 15 years ago
To bee or not to bee……..
carpetinwater9 over 15 years ago
Calvin, straighten up! Your back that is.
wicky over 15 years ago
To get even, Calvin should hide or do away with the tuna canopener… . .har-dee-har-har-har!
tyrannusbe over 15 years ago
Why Hobbes, is that a bee I see sitting on your back? What irony.
alondra over 15 years ago
Where are his parents now that he needs them? Mom would tell him there was no bee but I don’t know about Dad!
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Such a cruel tiger.
GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago
Calvin, now you know who your friends are, which leaves…?
linsonl over 15 years ago
Calvin, you have caused yourself more pain than a bee sting would. Love the expressions in pan four.
Stede_Bonnet over 15 years ago
This comic must pre-date the GW Bush administration. Otherwise, Capt Napalm would have had to have gone “nucular” rather than “nuclear”.
Drekas over 15 years ago
well, he didn’t want spoils, there it it. A life un-spoiled.
lewisbower over 15 years ago
Is Hobbs the reincarnation of my big sister?
bald over 15 years ago
calvin, tell mom not to buy anymore tuna until hobbs stops his antagonizing ways like that would ever happen
mjw22307 over 15 years ago
If Hobbes stopped his antagonizing ways, this comic would suck
JonD17 over 15 years ago
ya gotta admit; with a friend like Hobbes, life is never boring.
GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago
You may be right, but I think it would be more about Calvin antagonozing Dad, Suzie or the babysitter. —- I wonder where Dad ranks in the latest polls? I know where Hobbes ranks right now.
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
Hobbes you are such a stinger….. Oops! I mean stinker. Good thing that we all love you.
grammahotsho over 15 years ago
Exasperating, frustrating, aggravating, annoying YES, boring, no!
linsonl over 15 years ago
More Calvinball, Pllleeeezzzzzzzzeeeeeeee.
Wildmustang1262 over 15 years ago
Calvin said, “Do not mess with me, Hobbes!”
ratlum over 15 years ago
Thats right Calvin. Hobbes weakness is food,So get his mind off of comix
unemandarine over 15 years ago
Bad tiger Hobbes! Bad tiger!!!
Thx4noticing over 15 years ago
Perhaps Calvin should get Captain Napalm to nuke the bee?
musicnut1986 over 15 years ago
Hobbes will probably bend the cover back and dog ear the pages.
GJ_Jehosaphat over 15 years ago
Don’t NUKE the BEES - There’s enough of that going around via Arial Spraying of Commercial Crop Farms.
We need the Pollinators if We want to eat fruits & vegies that require Pollination to produce! Perish the Thought Even if U were just kidding - Plant more flowers. Enjoy living thru planning, planting, growing & harvesting your own garden!
It’s also a Great Way to keep kid’s busy & out of trouble (the bad kind, not the Calvinator’s Great Imagination!!! Kind).
Toonster over 15 years ago
Bill Watteron is genius.
minka78 over 15 years ago
Schrodinger’s Bee?
deepika_light over 15 years ago
i love the way hobbes play with calvin… its too cute to believe….
kamster83 about 2 years ago