FoxTrot by Bill Amend for May 31, 1996
Jason: Paige, I think I've come up with a sure-fire way for you to get an "A" on your math exam. Paige: As long as it doesn't involve more studying. I'm beat. Jason: In fact, there's a pretty good chance you'll get an "A+." Paige: What do I have to do? Jason: Stay home. Paige: Huh? Jason: Ta da! Paige: You know, I suddenly feel a second wind coming on...
JasonFoxIsMyHero over 14 years ago
I saw that coming.
baconbitz_cartoonlover over 14 years ago
were does jason get all these wigs??? does he have a supplier or sumthin??? :)
Zankchi11 over 9 years ago
But the glasses would require some dumb excuse.
Zankchi11 over 9 years ago
And the stature.
foxtrotisawesome over 8 years ago
jason never think about those things
OwenR about 4 years ago
If I know Jason, he would wear it for Halloween