FoxTrot by Bill Amend for June 04, 1996
Jason: Ten dollars, Quincy! Think about how much money this is! A whopping 40 quarters...100 dimes...200 nickels...1,000 pennies...and, dare I compute it?... Roger: Any idea why our son wanted the exchange rate for the Turkish lira? Andy: No, and if he doesn't stop that squeling soon...
legoguy77 almost 12 years ago
good lord, I’m a millionaire.
kamb8 over 11 years ago
According to Google, ten USD is worth 18.45 turkish lira now. I couldn’t easily figure out what the exchange rate was when the strip was published, so I didn’t try. :)
foxtrotisawesome over 8 years ago
in 1995, 10 usd would be worth 450,000 turkish lira
Common Sense [caps lost :[ ] over 3 years ago
he should’ve done Venezuelan Bolivar