FoxTrot by Bill Amend for August 18, 1996
Jason: I wonder what's for dinner. I wonder what was for dinner. See that bright star directly overhead, Peter? That's vega, the harp star. It's in the constellation lyra. It's 27 light years away. That's like 159,000,000,000,000 miles. That's some distance. Kinda makes the four miles I led us down the wrong trail seem downright insignificant, wouldn't you say? Peter: If we don't find our campsight soon, you're going to be seeing a whole lot of stars, pal.
Zankchi11 over 9 years ago
Vega will be the North Star in many, many years.
PBS1! over 4 years ago
I like Jason’s and Peter’s blue silhouettes
Goat (from PBS) about 4 years ago
159 trillion miles