FoxTrot by Bill Amend for June 01, 1997
Jason: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Marcus: What's it say?? Lemme see! Jason: Hold on a sec. I'm not done screaming. Mom! Mom! They're coming out with "Duke Quakem" fo the Jupiter-64 Gamestation! Andy: "Duke Quakem"? jason: It's that computer game that had all those senators up in arms. Anyway, the Jupiter-64 versions going to be even nastier, with 24 new weapons, including something called a "Cuisinart ray." Think about it! "Duke Quakem"! On a 25-inch TV screen! With the screams and gunfire pumping throught our home stereo! Right here in the family room! Where everyone can see me play! Day and night! All summer long! Andy: Jason, we don't have a Jupiter-64 gamestation. Jason: I know, but doesn't this make you want to run right out and buy us one? Marcus: Man, thasales pitch sure would've sold me. Jason: Maybe I should've also mentioned the game's heavy-metal background music.
Nanomi about 14 years ago
I remember playing Duke Nukem! It was fun!!!
mrcharmander934 almost 14 years ago
The “Jupiter-64-Gamestation” seems to be a parody of the current 64-bit game systems out at that time. (Sega’s Saturn, Nintendo’s Nintendo 64, and Sony’s PS1.)
Slam Dragon about 13 years ago
I didn’t like Duke nukem 3D, but the first 2 were great!
Pig111 over 4 years ago
The magazine he’s holding says “Violence Digest”
Josequeen almost 4 years ago
the muppets. almost 3 years ago
I like how marcus is holding quincy
501179 about 2 years ago
25 inch screen?oof
501179 about 1 year ago
25 inch T.V. damm