FoxTrot by Bill Amend for August 17, 1997
Roger:'s like being on the surface of the sun. ...Only hotter. I can't believe I picked the hottest day of the year to do yard work. Holy cow! The hedge clippers are melting! The lawnmower too?! This is unblieveable! And the shovel?! And the rake?! Everything out here is melting in this heat! Well, I certainly can't do uard work now. Guess I'll just have to go into the air-conditioned house and watch baseball on TV. Runners on the corners...two outs...Jason, pass me those pretzels... Andy: If you ask me, someone's brain is melting. Roger: Here, mom - stand back.
Frogman_tg over 13 years ago
I love the single hair on fire in panel 2. rofl
PowerDemon777 almost 6 years ago
His face in the final pannel!
MJ J about 4 years ago
metal glows when it turns into a liquid.
phobos 9 months ago