FoxTrot by Bill Amend for August 29, 1997
Jason: You're really buying school supplies? Peter: Yup. Jason: Aargh! I can't believe you're doing this to me! The buying spree of a lifetime, thwarted by my boy scout of a brother! The chance to buy comic books...gum by the box...the new G.I. Jim Ninja star set...all squandered because you had to promise mom we wouldn't misspend her money! Wait a minute! Your shoelaces were crossed! We've got ourselves a loophole! Peter: Give it up, F. Lee. The notebooks are thataway.
JasonFoxIsMyHero over 14 years ago
Stupid sterotype. (“Boy Scout” of a brother? Come on.)
TraverseIce over 4 years ago
anyone notice the poster on the register that says, “all tamagrouchies 90% off”?
I❤️Jason about 2 years ago
Does that say all tamagrouchies 90% off?