FoxTrot by Bill Amend for December 24, 1997
Grandma: Andrea, dear, I certainly wasn't trying to woo your friends... Andy: It wasn't just my friends, mom. Everyone who's ever met you has thought you walked on water! Just the other day, my husband said you were practically perfect! He's never said that about do you think that makes me feel?! Grandma: Not half as bad as it makes me feel. Andy: Gee...a perfect answer. How surprising. Jason: I called Big Bob's toy town, they're open until nine and have plenty of Jupiter-64s in stock.
AsrielTriforce almost 6 years ago
I feel bad for Andrea.
Boxo croco says happy derby almost 5 years ago
To quote Mary Poppins “practically perfect in every way”
Tijaro about 4 years ago
jason, you’re not helping
Josequeen almost 3 years ago