FoxTrot by Bill Amend for January 19, 1998
Andy: Looks like someone came home in a good mood. Roger: Are you kidding? It's the week before the Super Bowl! Time to grab a beer, plop down on the sofa, and let the television bathe me with endless pre-game reports, stats and interviews. Andy: Hate to break it to you but Jason's glued to the TV playing his new "Duke Quakem" video game. Roger: No biggie. "Sports Chatter's" not for another 20 minutes. How long can one game take? Television: Level 5 completed. Time: 3.8 hours. Jason: Hoo baby! Only 661 levels to go!
penguin56 over 8 years ago
AsrielTriforce almost 6 years ago
Oh, no….
Foxgirl about 3 years ago
if all levels are the same, he wont be done for 105 days