FoxTrot by Bill Amend for July 03, 1998
Peter: Jason, this operating system of yours keeps crashing! Jason: I know. I threw in a few bugs by design. Peter: Huh?? Jason: I wanted to ensure that users would rush out to buy the upgrade to Jasondows 99 next year. It'd include corrections to all of 98's problems. ...Plus, of course, a whole new batch of bugs that'd require the even more expensive Jasondows 2000 to correct. Peter: I don't know whether to puke or buy stock in your company. Jason: Did I tell you my idea to use "900" numbers for tech support?
Invader Chocolate almost 4 years ago
Tres bien, Jason. Tres bien.
PeterFox-the ultimately based anti spammer of GC over 3 years ago
He has six eyebrows.
richardd50_ over 1 year ago
So basically iPhones