FoxTrot by Bill Amend for September 12, 1999
Peter: Charging photon emitters. Let's see Visa or Mastercard? Blast shield down. Commencing neutron burst. Plasma field stable...x-ray emissions within expected tolerances...I have an imbalnace in the fusions array! Recalibrating graviton sieve phase generator! It's all working. All readings are nominal. Ready to proceed with the experiment. Somehow I expected more from physics lab. Teacher: Ok, people, let's begin by placing block "A" on the ramp.
Hero Plays over 5 years ago
Easy, Pete. You almost look like Jason will be once he gets into high school.
scyphi26 over 3 years ago
I like how the A from his hat is also on the welder’s mask.
SuperCharged5- over 3 years ago
what is that contraption anyway? a particle accelorator? a particle collider? something to rip open holes in the fabric of space time?