FoxTrot by Bill Amend for January 30, 2000
Jason: Hey, what happened to the wallpaper?? Computer voice: I was hoping you'd notice. I took the liberty of replacing your "doomathon III" desktop image with one more compatible with my own color scheme. The blood-red hues clashed with my designer mango-kiwi plastic housing. I'm sure you'll agree that this softly tiled pattern of chardonnay pearls looks much nicer. We ifruits aren't just computers, after all. We're fashion statements, too. Jason: I meant the wallpaper in this room. Computer voice: Yes, well, that clashed also.
banana565 about 13 years ago
That is true…..
The Ever-Convenient Object's Shopping Mall over 4 years ago
Creepy. Does it have arms now?
Shadow Reapz almost 4 years ago
That’s something Paige would say.