FoxTrot by Bill Amend for February 20, 2000

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    andrewm.bpi  about 14 years ago

    LOL, that’s a very interesting script. usualDisArray? XD

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    Slam Dragon  about 13 years ago

    Java.C++ is WAY better.

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    Zubhan  over 11 years ago

    I dont get it, how did he ask for java?

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    pumpkinsparshott Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    I’ve been looking for this for years, so thanks to you and thanks to good ol Uncle Google! Used to have it up on my coffee cupboard and now I can again.

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  5. Silly songs with larry
    Chloe the Cucumber  about 7 years ago

    wait, what happens to Jason

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  6. Large e7f4bc9a 62de 4e51 9368 1d898bac717e
    Bamock Omaba  almost 4 years ago

    If anyone didn’t know, a “boolean” is something that is always true or always false. Like for example, “liked Bamock Omaba’s comment” is always either true or false. If you put an “if” before it, it checks if it’s true and does the code if it is true. Like, for example

    “if ‘liked Bamock Omaba’s comment’ (); {Set ‘good person’ to ‘true’}

    If you put an exclamation point before the if statement, it checks to see the opposite. So, for example“If ‘!liked Bamock Omaba’s comment’ ():{Set ‘good person’ to ‘false’}

    So, the exclamation point basically switches the Boolean (a statement that is always true or always false) and checks if it’s false.

    Dang, all this because of a FoxTrot strip with the word boolean in it. I have no life.

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  7. Fa995b09 8879 413b 913a 7f74bbb142ec
    Banock Omaba (S.T.D.S founder)  almost 4 years ago

    If anyone didn’t know, a “boolean” is something that is always true or always false. Like for example, “liked Bamock Omaba’s comment” is always either true or false. If you put an “if” before it, it checks if it’s true and does the code if it is true. Like, for example

    “if ‘liked Banock Omaba’s comment’ (); {Set ‘good person’ to ‘true’}

    If you put an exclamation point before the if statement, it checks to see the opposite. So, for example“If ‘!liked Banock Omaba’s comment’ ():{Set ‘good person’ to ‘false’}

    So, the exclamation point basically switches the Boolean (a statement that is always true or always false) and checks if it’s false.

    Dang, all this because of a FoxTrot strip with the word boolean in it. I have no life.

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    Josequeen   almost 4 years ago

    Hey, Jason lost his hair

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  9. Screenshot 2021 07 13 7.04.59 pm
    Random kid  about 2 years ago

    Sure are a lot of functions in there
 you would have to have a lot more slips of paper for that.

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