Peter: Mom is it OK if I eat the last powdered doughnut? Andy: Sure. Peter: Mognch! Chawm! Snorpf! Glumph! Myunk! Cheqtw! Rlubgf! Andy: I gave you permission to eat one! Peter: It was a full box. I had to eat the others to find out which one. (Donut)
joshua over 6 years ago
Jeez! He’s got a stretchy mouth!
TINA ! about 5 years ago
MaxNissen over 4 years ago
Nice loop hole
TraverseIce almost 4 years ago
Those are some VERY disgusting sounds.
Ωmega about 3 years ago
“MYUNK”? What sort of eating noise is that?
No One in Particular over 2 years ago
Aaaand Peter wins on a technicality!
Mr Pets 11 months ago
Introducing…Peter Fox! The Human Hamster!