Peter: Dad's not paying you by the hour, is he? Jason: Ha, ha. Just bring a machete.
Types of GoComics commenters:1) The SPAMMER, annoying and won’t be stopped
2) The REGULAR COMMENTER, just talking about the comics…
3) luckygal123 and her band of cronies, trying to be cute and out of context… AND ALWAYS SAYING LOL!
4) The PERSONAL LIFE COMMENTER, pretty much a mix of luckygal123 and the next one
5) The POLITICAL one, always saying “______ for president” or “who are you voting for” or something
6) The poller, mostly on “Big Nate” and asking polls
7) The EAGLE-EYE, always noticing something in the strip and pointing it out
8) The confused one, always saying stuff like “I don’t get it” and “what’s ______”
Don’t lie, you fall into one of these categories.
plz explain the comic strip
Bill Amend
TRU-COLT 69 over 4 years ago
Types of GoComics commenters:1) The SPAMMER, annoying and won’t be stopped
2) The REGULAR COMMENTER, just talking about the comics…
3) luckygal123 and her band of cronies, trying to be cute and out of context… AND ALWAYS SAYING LOL!
4) The PERSONAL LIFE COMMENTER, pretty much a mix of luckygal123 and the next one
5) The POLITICAL one, always saying “______ for president” or “who are you voting for” or something
6) The poller, mostly on “Big Nate” and asking polls
7) The EAGLE-EYE, always noticing something in the strip and pointing it out
8) The confused one, always saying stuff like “I don’t get it” and “what’s ______”
Don’t lie, you fall into one of these categories.
Bullseye almost 2 years ago
plz explain the comic strip