FoxTrot by Bill Amend for September 16, 2001
Andy: More unbelievable than the Loch Ness monster...more unbelievable than Bigfoot..more unbelievable than flying saucers...And I've got it captured on film! Paige Fox, making her bed. Roger: Quick call "Ripley's." Paige: You know, maybe this is why I don't do it more often.
Daniel Bryner almost 15 years ago
I just make mine every week or so when it needs it. It gets messed up every night anyway.
JasonFoxIsMyHero over 14 years ago
I never feel the need. It’s my room, so I really don’t care what if it’s messy. It’ll just get messed up at night, so it’s a waste of time.
MysticNova314 almost 13 years ago
I make it every week and stick the bottom sheet back on the bed as needed.
joeshmo30 almost 12 years ago
i never make it
singkong2012 over 9 years ago
I don’t do it at all
Boxo croco says happy derby almost 5 years ago
Excuse me, what is this “making your bed” my bed is already assembled
The Happy Marshmallow almost 4 years ago
I hear so many people say you don’t need to make your bed every night because you’re going to mess it up later. If we use that philosophy, then we should stop eating because we’re all going to die one day. And yep, I make my bed everyday, because it drives me nuts to see it messy.