FoxTrot by Bill Amend for February 08, 2002
Miss O'Malley: Dear Miss O'Malley, Please excuse my son's runny nose, sore throat, and fever, and allow him to remain in school today. Sincerely, Mrs. Fox. Jason, will you stop forging notes and go home?! Jason: Can't I (cough) at least take (sniff) the math test?
lordheart almost 11 years ago
Well if there is the whole thing where it may be very difficult to make up some tests if you miss them. at the very least you have to make a new time with the teacher, if they allow it.
Clearstream almost 9 years ago
At first I thought it was reverse psychology.Then I remembered this is Jason, not Calvin.
Thanos over 6 years ago
I cant wait until Jason meets Big Nate!!:-)
Tijaro over 5 years ago
Jason is the opposite of most kids. I personally beg for math tests because those are the days we don’t get homework.
Pizza_lover over 4 years ago
I should do that(I like math)
Snoopy20 almost 4 years ago
Classic Jason :)
Josequeen almost 4 years ago