FoxTrot by Bill Amend for July 18, 2002

  1. Hot putin
    Embrace Your Fear  over 7 years ago

    They must be running a three minute mile at least, if they are outrunning the rocket.

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  2. Tijaro  1
    Tijaro  over 5 years ago

    I wonder if those running effect spheres are like that one soccer comic where Jason tied dried ice to his shoes and put those running effect spheres.

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  3. Tijaro  1
    Tijaro  over 5 years ago

    notice there is smoke in front of them?!

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  4. 2bdc3648 8035 4b87 b6ea 4803bc903d45
    ILoveMyDucks  over 4 years ago

    Couldn’t they just run to the left or right, then the rocket wouldn’t effect them?

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