FoxTrot by Bill Amend for October 18, 2002

  1. 0cfef5ec c8e5 4bdb ae84 2ffcdeb0d3b3
    GarfieldMN  almost 5 years ago

    The Bad Three

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  2. Img 1459
    TraverseIce  almost 4 years ago

    (Insert intense chase music)

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    Sophie Elizabeth Foster 1st  about 2 years ago

    In this part, the men stick wax in their ears only, but Odysseus wants to hear their song. They tie him up and he says that is he pleads, then to tie him up tighter. Odysseus begs and pleads to let him go and “he would killed every one of those men on that boat to get to the song", but once they pass Odysseus is back to normal.

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