FoxTrot by Bill Amend for January 03, 2003
Peter: What are you doing? Jason: Surfing the various iFruit rumor sites on the web. Next week is the big Fruitworld computer expo and sometimes product announcements leak out early. Peter: This says future iFruits will sport self-cleaning keyboards. Jason: Naturally, a lot of these rumors are absurdly ridiculous. Peter: This one says their processors will finally reach 1.5 GHZ. Jason: Case in point...
JasonFoxIsMyHero over 14 years ago
Hey, my processor is 2.2 GHz.
Creature950 over 13 years ago
Mine’s 2.13 GHz. But I’m content with it.
Drathe almost 11 years ago
3.5 GHz
This is just going to get worse and worse as time goes by
Shockeray about 10 years ago
4.0GHz.I wonder when 10 or even 100 will seem normal.
Major_JF almost 10 years ago
Back in the Pentium 4 days they basically handcrafted a chip that could do 80 GHz. It only cost $80,000 to make.
threePwny over 9 years ago
whoo! 1.8 GHz! and it runs everything I need it to just fine.
Marathon Zack almost 9 years ago
2.3 GHz, but mines about 5 years old.
shassandra about 8 years ago
Quad-core, anyone?
PeterFox-the ultimately based anti spammer of GC over 3 years ago
what a GHz is, I have no idea.
Anton Sherwood about 2 years ago
Remember Neuromancer (1984), in which a memory card of a few megabytes was worth stealing?
SnyperKenobi almost 2 years ago
We just hit 9 GHz overclock on the 13900k