Computer: It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the eyes adored you... She's got Betty Davis eyes... You, my brown-eyed girl... Jason: I'm not so sure about this new music service. Peter: Eyetunes?
That’s not how you spell “Bette Davis”.
What about “I’m looking for blue eyes”
Oops misspelled something I’m meant EYETUNES SUCKS
why is the screen saver changing
Bill Amend
colBoh about 6 years ago
That’s not how you spell “Bette Davis”.
Boxo croco says happy derby almost 5 years ago
What about “I’m looking for blue eyes”
Prezelxbff almost 4 years ago
Prezelxbff almost 4 years ago
Oops misspelled something I’m meant EYETUNES SUCKS
WendesdayGirl about 2 years ago
why is the screen saver changing