FoxTrot by Bill Amend for June 14, 2004
From computer: Buy canned meat direct and $$$save$$$! Improve your love life with canned meat! Click here to learn how! Lose pounds instantly with the canned meat diet! Andy: Spam-spam. From computer: greetings, friend, I am in need of help with the transfer of 40 million cans of meat from my country...
iFerrarifan over 13 years ago
I thought their computer got destroyed awhile ago.
rdh288 almost 13 years ago
In Gmail, there is a tiny section for ads at the top of the page. When you go to your spam filter, it is replaced with spam recipes.
NoobSkate36 about 4 years ago
mrcatEPICC almost 4 years ago
ohhhh….the little apple in panel 2 is the pc! I thought that was Jason’s head or something
Tijaro over 3 years ago
the issue is that Andy isn’t a [BIG SHOT]