FoxTrot by Bill Amend for June 15, 2004
Jason: Any calls from Langley yet? Andy: Langley? Jason: The director of the CIA is resigning. I assume they'll be offering me the job. Andy: You?? Jason: It's the central intelligence agency! No one has more intelligence than me! Andy: Than I. Jason: Fine. I'll delegate grammar to my english station chief. Andy: I'll admit, you are good at bugging people...
Pelahnar over 12 years ago
It’s better than when I told my friend I’d done ‘good’ on the grammar section of the ACT…
threePwny over 9 years ago
To be fair here, “than me” is far more common to say than “than I”.
mcadwell over 8 years ago
To be fair, although that still doesn’t make it correct, that is how language mutates over time…by the usage of its speakers.
Grog Malbood, Orc Shaman about 4 years ago
I’m smarter than him. I should get the job.