FoxTrot by Bill Amend for November 17, 2004
Salesman: Want to take this bad boy out for a spin? Roger: You'd let me drive it? Salesman: Absolutely. You can't fully appreciate the Humbler's advantages until you feel its 350-elephantpower engine roaring under your command. Roger: So what kind of advantages are we talking about? Salesman: That Chevy Blazer cut you off. Squish him. Roger: Hoo yeah.
iFerrarifan over 13 years ago
The weird thing is, an independent company actually made a car remarkably like this (smaller of course).
beeblebrox46 over 12 years ago
I thought jason was going to be roasted on a spit by bucky(
Boxo croco says happy derby almost 5 years ago
Shouldn’t that be illegal?
Foxtrot snowday ('Sup Roblox peeps) almost 4 years ago
that means when squishing them, they are doing murder
Ωmega over 3 years ago
This is awesome
zodal about 1 year ago
350 elephantpower = 28,630 horsepower