FoxTrot by Bill Amend for August 04, 2005
Jason: OK, enough about this Jason guy. Eileen: But you haven't heard the worst part. Not only is Jason the biggest dweeb in our class, but he has a major crush on me. He tries to hide it, but it's totally obvious. Everyone at school knows. Jason: Nooooooooooo... Eileen: Hold on. I need to close my window. Some neighbor's dog is howling.
lordheart over 10 years ago
Ouch, i guess everyone really is meaner online.
Jason fox is god almost 7 years ago
HA!!! HA!!!Pass out do to lack of oxygen from not breathing while laughing, comment, read again repeat.
Kid Covid about 3 years ago
I swear his iFruit is making a kissy face at Jason in Panel 2.