FoxTrot by Bill Amend for October 21, 2005
Paige: This house is freezing! Andy: So wear a thicker sweater. Paige: You have the thermostat set to 58 degrees! No one sets their thermostat that low! Andy: That's not true. People in France set theirs much lower. Paige: They use celsius, mother! Andy: Well, pretend we do too. D'accord?
alecgiacometti over 6 years ago
I wonder how Andy is not affected by the low tempature.
The Great Dragon Snarklepuff almost 5 years ago
It’s sweltering celsius. It’s 136.4 degrees fahrenheit.
Bacən over 4 years ago
Hey, who thinks my PFP looks kind of like France (it’s a plate of bacon)?
AzizCalva almost 3 years ago
My house is always at least 72 degrees, 60 is lowest setting a car air conditioner can go, so 58 is beyond cool.
AzizCalva almost 3 years ago
In the winter I meant Andy. Any colder and the pipes will freeze.
Nano over 1 year ago
I converted it, and wow! That is freezing! At least for mid-winter Canada it is.