FoxTrot by Bill Amend for November 14, 2005

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    LieutenantCommanderData  over 10 years ago
    In a sense he did give us significantly larger power than any other mortal species, we are the only species able to communicate across thousands of miles, leave our planet, create: atoms, subatomic particles, and radiation fields of a specified geometry. We are on the dawn of beginning to do much more, the dedication of just a few generations are all that separate man from immortality in a carnal body, interstellar travel, and creating life in artificial beings; though we will never have power comparable to the true God’s, we have more vastly more power than anything in our observable environment.
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    Jason fox is god  about 7 years ago

    God did give man godly powers for Satan is an embodiment of mankind.

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    Homo Futuris  about 4 years ago

    We will get Godly powers, after we prove that we’re worthy.

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    pogfrogs   almost 3 years ago

    just because we are made in God’s image doesn’t mean that we will get His omnipotent power, i think it just means that we have a sense of good and evil. i wonder if bill amend is a true christian?

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