FoxTrot by Bill Amend for January 02, 2006
Peter: What's that? Andy: My Mothers Against Gory Games membership kit. I'm joining the battle against gratuitous killings and violence in the video games you kids play. Have you heard about this awful new "Vice city" game?! Peter: I've been begging for it since October. Andy: Well, from now on there will be only MAGG-Approved games played in this house. Jason: "Nice city"?? Peter: Shoot. Hit reset. I stepped on an ant.
D339F2057 almost 12 years ago
Get in a car and swich the radio to “ncpr” =p
bookworm1011 almost 10 years ago
Unknown.2006 over 7 years ago
Boxo croco says happy derby almost 5 years ago
Reru- NO!
Lord Fluffernutter, Czar of the Universe over 4 years ago
Re rerun
Dragongirl55 almost 4 years ago
Wow! I just hit random and it took me to the same one!
Captain Price almost 2 years ago
Scott The Woz’s video “E for Irelivant” would go great with this strip