That’s one determined PC. Incidentally, why does Petunia not like I.T.?
Because they’re sarcastic people with little or no patience with the “common user”? I have a feeling that Big Al the Gal has had some experience with IT…
We’re not all bad… But it is funny when we walk up to the computer and it works just fine.
I just tell them that their computer hates them.
ok, I’ll bite - what’s PEBCAK?
problem exists between chair and keyboard…
Also by this creator: Petunia & Dre
Allison Garwood
May 03, 2021
SplendensPluviaNemus almost 15 years ago
That’s one determined PC. Incidentally, why does Petunia not like I.T.?
OzzieJohn almost 15 years ago
Because they’re sarcastic people with little or no patience with the “common user”? I have a feeling that Big Al the Gal has had some experience with IT…
Plods with ...™ almost 15 years ago
We’re not all bad… But it is funny when we walk up to the computer and it works just fine.
I just tell them that their computer hates them.
kfaatz925 almost 15 years ago
ok, I’ll bite - what’s PEBCAK?
LoguLogu almost 15 years ago
problem exists between chair and keyboard…