Technically yes, mr prongs. If you do a serious study on, say, all the books and movies that have used fairies or some other fantasy character, then that study would be fantasy nonfiction.
I wonder if you can do Europe on 10 Euros a day in modern times. I wouldn’t want to try it, though.
hcrobin85 over 16 years ago
..more like the fantasy fiction section!!!
Silverpearl over 16 years ago
Ah, the good old days when your income was low and benefits nil.
alondra over 16 years ago
You got that right Susan.
mrprongs over 16 years ago
Is there fantasy nonfiction, hcrobin85?
Pokefan_Frank over 16 years ago
Technically yes, mr prongs. If you do a serious study on, say, all the books and movies that have used fairies or some other fantasy character, then that study would be fantasy nonfiction.
I wonder if you can do Europe on 10 Euros a day in modern times. I wouldn’t want to try it, though.